In an interview with the West Midlands Police, Professional Standards on 7th September 2006, Reference CO/714/06 with investigating officer A/Detective Chief Inspector O’Malley (3) Ex-Cop Corrupt BENT PAT WING admitted that he corrupted another police officer at Balsall Heath police station. ‘ Belgrave police station handed him an envelope from my file. The question is: how safe are our files in the police hands? Who is in control of our Data, the police or the Freemasons?
At the same time Chief Superintendent Janet Turner of BELGRAVE police station claimed she cannot recall who would have provided corrupt WING with the envelope, but concedes it would have been a member of West Midlands Police. Can she investigate who is that corrupt officer? What other act of corruption has WING committed whilst in the police? She has done nothing so far despite my request. Or the Freemasons are around us everywhere, but we just don’t know them. They openly wore on the left finger the Special ring*
(3) You can request a copy of the report (ref: CO/714/06) from the Police Professional Standards Department at Lloyd House Colmore Circus B4 6NQ.
Also you can contact NOVA for a copy. And you can visit www.fightbak.org.uk
*I’m referring to racist Dick Atkinson’s left finger. Corrupt Wing obtained an envelope for his Master Zio-Freemason Dick Atkinson as evidence in court he lost.

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