Where Have I Been?


by revoltoftheplebs

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here on my blog. That’s not to say I haven’t been busy. For the past three years I’ve been working as a reporter for American Free Press, a nationally syndicated newspaper published out of Washington DC.
Follow my writing by clicking this link:
American Free Press
Here’s a link to my latest article:
Debtor Prisons Popping Up Across America
Since June of 2012, I’ve also been hosting a live radio show on The Ugly Truth Broadcasting Network.
You can catch up on those programs by clicking this link:
Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Archives
Here’s a link to my latest show:
Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Feb 26, 2013
Stay tuned to this blog for future postings.
Keith Johnson
Revolt of the Plebs

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