West Bank: Nazi Soldiers Abduct Four Palestinians, Injure One

Nazi soldiers abducted four Palestinians and injured one in several parts of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

In Bethlehem, south of Nazi occupied Jerusalem, the Nazi soldiers invaded several neighborhoods in the city, searched homes, and abducted Ehad Ibrahim Zawahra, 22, from the Al-Karkafa area, and Bilal Khaled Kleib, 38, from the Jabal An-Nawawra area.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers invaded the Deheishe refugee camp south of Bethlehem, searched many homes, and abducted Ashraf Mohammad Zaghari, 29.

Many Palestinians protested the invasion before the Nazi soldiers fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

Medical sources said the Nazi soldiers shot a young man with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the leg.

In Ramallah, n the central West Bank, the Nazi soldiers invaded the Al-Am’ari refugee camp, searched homes, and abducted a young man, Mojahed Jadulhaq Hammad.

Furthermore, several army Nazi jeeps also invaded the Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp in Jericho city, in the Northeastern West Bank.

In related news, the Nazi soldiers installed a military roadblock in the Wadi Sa’ir area, northeast of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, stopped and searched dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

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