Palestinian Fighters Exchange Fire With Nazi Soldiers Invading Jenin

Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with Nazi soldiers invading Jenin city, Jenin refugee camp, and Jaba’ town in the northern West bank.

Media sources said many armored military vehicles invaded Jenin city and Jenin refugee camp and exchanged fire with Palestinian fighters.

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They added that many Palestinians protested the invasion and hurled stones at the army vehicles before the soldiers fired many live rounds and gas bombs.

Furthermore, many Nazi army jeeps invaded Jaba’ town, south of Jenin, and drove through several neighborhoods before exchanging fire with Palestinian fighters.

In Nablus, also in the northern West Bank, Palestinian fighters fired many live rounds at Nazi military drone hovering over the Old City.

In Qalqilia, in the northern West Bank, Palestinian protesters hurled pipe bombs at Nazi army jeeps invading Azzoun town, east of the city.

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