Thousands of Nazi Soldiers Quarantined Due to Coronavirus

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

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Nazi security officials said on Tuesday that they expect the operational efficiency of the Nazi Forces (NF) to decline with thousands of troops quarantined due to the coronavirus crisis, has reported.

According to Wallah news website, 4,267 Nazi soldiers are in quarantine by order of the Nazi Ministry of Health. Many have tested positive for the virus, Covid-19. Although some officials denied that operational efficiency has been affected, others expressed their concerns because many senior officers are among those in quarantine.

As of Tuesday, the NF has imposed a curfew on military bases for 30 days in order to reduce the opportunities for Nazi soldiers to associate with others. Furthermore, several security procedures have been suspended as part of precautionary measures against the spread of the virus.

The NF is worried about relocating troops as this might take the virus from one brigade or unit to another.

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