“Economically superfluous young men.” So let’s kill them or starve them into a lower birth-rate, rather than offering development aid [Real aid, reparations, not the usual crap we give out] and ending the occupation. Martin Kramer here adopts the rhetoric of a Nazi.
Not because the Nazis were evil without equal. But because this is sickening on a precisely similar level. “Pro-natal subsidies” means food and medical aid. I have read that babies are being born with conditions that are unknown in the West due to the poisoning of the water.
The sustained astronomical nitrate exposure that causes these conditions will have totally unpredictable effects because no one has ever subjected a population to them before. Darryl Li calls the Gaza Strip a “laboratory.” Laboratories are where you mess around with chemistry and biology, giving a little bit to one test subject, a little more to another. Who would have thought that the analogy would veer so close to truth?
Kramer, meanwhile, seems to think he said nothing wrong: “I made a memorable argument for the role of population growth in radicalization, a clip of which is embedded below.” Memorable, Martin, for sure.