Poll: 68% of Americans would reject Trump's "Deal of the Century

Poll: 68% of Americans would reject Trump’s "Deal of the Century"When Americans were asked hypothetically whether, after expulsion from their land, they’d prefer the right of return or an economic development plan, 68% chose return. Read more
Israeli military admits: open-fire policy needlessly killed protestorsIsrael admits that live fire against Palestinian protestors has at times caused death when only serious injury was intended.  Israeli snipers have killed 300 while gradually tweaking their limb-targeting approach. Now they “aim for the ankles,” likely only maiming the unarmed demonstrators. The Israeli Supreme Court has backed the lethal open-fire policy from day one.Read more
Will Tanker War In Persian Gulf Become a Shooting War?From the sound of things, the West is gearing up for a possible war with Iran; in reality, Israel is working from within the US government to bring the US into a war that Israel wants.Read more
Israeli soldiers beat youth, Injure 66, abduct 400, demolish homes, etcThe latest news from the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Israeli soldiers abduct hundreds of Palestinians, injure dozens, use water as a weapon, demolish homes, wells, etc…Read more
Hani Abu SalahAugust 1, 2019: Hani Abu Salah, 20, was shot dead before dawn on Thursday by Israeli troops after he allegedly crossed the border between Gaza and Israel. Israeli forces claim that the young man exchanged fire with Israeli soldiers for an hour before they killed him. The Palestinian was later identified as Hani Abu Salah. According to a statement issued …Read more
Action Alert: Tell Debaters to support Palestinian rights!Use this form to tell the Democratic candidates in the upcoming debates to speak out against Israeli violence and in support of Palestinian human rights…Read more
Israeli Authorities Summon 3-Year Old Child for InterrogationIsraeli authorities on Monday issued a summons for 3-year-old Mohammad Rabi ‘Alian to be brought to the Jerusalem police station for interrogation.Read more

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