Nazi soldiers beat youth, Injure 66, abduct 400, demolish homes, etc

Israeli actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories during the first few days of August 2019…

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Thirteen Palestinians In West Bank

Israeli soldiers abducted, Monday, at least thirteen Palestinians, including a child and a father along with his son, mainly from their homes in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has confirmed. The PPS said the soldiers abducted two young men, […]

Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Home South of Bethlehem

Israeli occupation forces demolished a house under construction on Sunday in the village of Wad Rahal, south of Bethlehem. The head of the Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Bethlehem, Hassan Bureijia, told the Wafa News Agency that the Israeli occupation forces demolished a house under construction that was […]

Two Palestinians Arrested South of the Gaza Strip

The Israeli occupation forces, Sunday at dawn, arrested two Palestinian citizens south of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli website 0404 reported that the Israeli forces arrested two Palestinian youths on Gaza border, while they were attempting to infiltrate into the 1948 occupied territories. It stated that the two detainees, who […]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs : ‘Significant Escalation’ of Demolitions

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates released a statement, concluding that the month of July witnessed a significant escalation of Israeli demolitions of Palestinian houses and facilities. According to surveys conducted by local, Israeli, foreign research centers, and UN reports, 43 water wells, houses, and apartments were destroyed, displacing […]

Silwan Youth Severely Beaten by Israeli Police

A Palestinian minor from the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan was transferred to hospital after he was severely beaten by Israeli police officers who invaded his family home to arrest him, local sources said. A heavily armed police force reportedly stormed the family home of Jamal Ali al-Ghoul in […]

Israeli Forces Storm Jerusalem and Jenin, 11 Palestinians Detained

Israeli occupation forces, Saturday night, detained at least 11 Palestinians during incursions, across occupied East Jerusalem and the northern West Bank district of Jenin, WAFA quoted local sources. Israeli police stormed the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Al-Issawiya and the Shufat refugee camp, northeast of the city, and detained eight Palestinians […]

Israeli Forces Suppress Palestinian Prisoners in Ofer Prison

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, on Sunday, said that tension prevailed in Israel’s Ofer prison after “Metzada” repression unit broke into section 20, which contains imprisoned children, to transfer leading activists. The Club said that the Israeli Prison System (IPS) informed the prisoners that the transfer is due to a Shabak […]

Amnesty International Israel’s Office Targeted with Death Threats

The Israeli authorities must urgently investigate death threats targeting three civil society organizations, including Amnesty International’s Israeli section in Tel Aviv, the organization’s International Secretariat said today. Anonymous death threats were sprayed last night outside the offices of Amnesty International Israel and ASSAF, an organization working to assist refugees and […]

PLO : ‘UN Failure to Address Israeli Crimes Against Palestinian Kids Inexcusable’

A senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has censured the United Nations for its failure to include Israel in its annual blacklist of armed forces that commit atrocities against youths, arguing that the world body’s falling short of recognizing Israeli crimes against Palestinian children is inexcusable. “This failure […]

Addameer’s Lawyers Visit Three Prisoners on Hunger Strike for 32 Days in Nitzan-Ramle Prison

On Wednesday 31 July 2019, Addameer’s lawyers visited three prisoners who had reached day 32 of their hunger strike. These prisoners include Huthayfa Halibia, Muhammad Abuakkar, and Mustafa Hassanat who are being held in Nitzan-Ramle prison. The prisoners reported to the lawyer that they will continue their hunger strike until […]

Water Series: ‘There’s No Law in the World that Says You Can Cut Water From Humans’

[This is the second of a series of reports documenting the control and devastation of water sources by Israel as a tool of oppression.] Israel is escalating its war on water in the South Hebron Hills, demolishing wells, ripping out kilometres of pipeline and even confiscating trucks carrying emergency water […]

Israeli Troops Abduct Two Palestinians South of Jenin in Overnight Raid

Israeli occupation forces arrested two young men from Qabatiya village south of Jenin in the early morning hours on Saturday . Local sources told the Palestinian Wafa news agency that the Israeli forces arrested Bilal al-Sa’di and Khaled Nazzal while they were near the village of Marqa, south of Jenin […]

On the 69th Great March of Return 66 Civilians Injured by Israeli Forces: 28 Children, 2 Journalists and 4 Women, Including a Paramedic

On the 69th Great March of Return, 66 Palestinian civilians were injured due to the Israeli military’s continued use of excessive force against peaceful protests along the Gaza Strip’s eastern border. At least 28 children, 4 women and a paramedic were among those injured this Friday, 02 August 2019. Twenty-seven […]

Palestinian Prisoners’ Center for Studies Report : 420 Arrests in July, Including 10 Women, 62 Children and the Martyrdom of a Prisoner

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Center for Studies (PCBS), released a report on August 1, 2019 confirming that the Israeli occupation authorities have continued to arbitrarily detain Palestinians during the past month of July. The PCBS has documented 420 cases of arrest of Palestinians during July, including 62 minors, 10 women, a […]

Israeli Soldiers Injure Two Palestinians In Kufur Qaddoum

Israeli soldiers injured, Friday, two young Palestinian men in Kufur Qaddoum town, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, after the army attacked the weekly procession against the ongoing closure of the town’s main road for the past 16th year. Morad Eshteiwi, the media coordinator of the Popular […]

PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (25 – 31 July 2019)

Shooting and other violations of the right to life and bodily integrity   At approximately 23:30 on Monday, 29 July 2019, Israeli gunboats stationed northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 6 nautical miles. As a result, the fishermen were […]

Israeli NGO Petitions to Bar Ilhan Omar from Entering Israel

A right-wing Israeli NGO filed, on Wednesday, a petition to have US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar barred from entering Israel, when she arrives for an upcoming tour, because she supports the international boycott of Israel (BDS). The organization, Shurat HaDin, asked the Israeli Jerusalem District Court, on Tuesday, to demand that […]

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