The roots of Evil in Jerusalem

These damn rabbis won’t speak about through their arrogance and lust for power, the Hebrews turned against their Covenant with God which is why He denounced them. They re wrote biblical history and created their new Cult of Talmudic Judaism based on blasphemous rabbinical ideologies and NOT God’s Word.

Of course these Rabbis will not openly reveal the Jewish roots of Putin and Trump who must continue to portray themselves as Christians just as Mike Pence does and Jewish Catholics like Albright, Kerry, Sarkozy, Blair and Cameron did. Putin and his ‘devout Russian Orthodox Persona to dupe everyone. His mother’s maiden family name apparently was traditional Jewish name. Putin bought a flat in Israel for his Jewish Secretary who it is said when she died she left it to Putin!!!

Trump could Initiate Building of Third Temple as Head of Edom – 
2 days ago  Trump could Initiate Building of Third Temple as Head of Edom … Two weeks ago, two religious Jews appeared before Rabbi Cham Kanievsky, … Just as Abraham pleaded with Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’) in order to …

‘Trump as the modern-day Cyrus

This expectation regarding Trump was first expressed by the Sanhedrin after his election when they compared him to the Persian King Cyrus who commanded by God to facilitate the building of the Second Temple specifically because he was influential in global politics.

Thus saith Koresh (Cyrus) king of Paras (Persia): All the kingdoms of the earth hath Hashem, the God of heaven, given me; and He hath charged me to build Him a house in Yerushalayim, which is in Yehuda. Ezra 1:2

The comparison was so apt that it was adopted by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who also compared the U.S. president to the Persian King.

Building of the Third Temple will be intitiated by the 70 Nations

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, noted that Trump’s role in building the Third Temple was essential to so many of the issues that concern people around the world.

“Trump can lead the nations of the world to global peace through building the Temple, the source of peace,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “This will offset the disgraceful United Nations resolutions that are the root cause of increasing evil in the world.”

The Sandhedin is currently working to create an Organization of 70 Nations based in Jerusalem to replace the United Nations.

“The Jews will do the actual building of the Third Temple but in order for the Third Temple to be a House of Prayer for all nations, the nations must have a part in its creation,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “The troubles that are facing the world today are issues that can only be addressed by a higher level of international discourse and cooperation. The effort to erase national identities and national borders is diametrically opposed to this and it is this ‘new world order’ that Trump is really fighting. The solution is the Third Temple as a House of Prayer for all nations and the Organization of 70 Nations, both of which require nations to express their unique identities.”

Rabbi Weiss emphasized that the concept of international cooperation is based in the universal covenant that God made with Noah which established the 70 nations and requires the participation of all the nations.

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