Occupation arrests eight Palestinians in the occupied West Bank

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


RAMALLAH: Nazi forces arrested eight Palestinians early Thursday in a raid on a number of houses in the occupied West Bank.

The Nazi army said in a statement that it arrested eight Palestinians from the West Bank, whom he described as “wanted “.

In Jenin, Nazi forces arrested Sultan al-Sa’di and three of his cousins ​​as they stormed the eastern neighborhood .

In Hebron, the Nazi illegal occupation forces arrested the freed prisoner Ahmed Ishaq Abu Hashhash from his house in Dura, southwest of the city .

Clashes erupted at the checkpoint of Shu’fat refugee camp in occupied Jerusalem, while other clashes erupted between youths and the Nazi illegal occupation forces after storming the town of Jayyous, northeast of Qalqilya .

The eastern area of ​​Nablus witnessed an incursion into the Nazi army patrols during which heavy firing of sound bombs was launched .

They raided and searched a house belonging to Imad Banat in the old Askar refugee camp. They raided the house of Omar Banat and left a large house destroyed and arrested Jihad Omar Banat .

Nazi soldiers raided the village of Marah Rabah, south of Bethlehem. Clashes erupted in the town of Jayyous, north of Qalqilya, and similar confrontations in the eastern area of ​​Nablus .

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