Nablus: Nazi Colonizers Injure Many Palestinians In Qaryout

Dozens of fanatic illegal Nazi JEWISH colonizers attacked on Friday at dawn, many homes in Qaryout town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, causing damage, and injured several Palestinians, in addition to attempting to abduct one man.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors Nazi JEWISH illegal colonialist activities in the northern West Bank, said the Nazi JEWISH colonizers attacked many homes in the town, causing damage, and assaulted the families.

He added that many Palestinians were injured in the attack before the medics rushed to the village and moved them to several hospitals in Nablus.

Daghlas also said that the Nazi JEWISH colonizers snatched a man, identified as Wa’el Bahjat, and tried to kidnap him, but the locals rushed to his aid and managed to free him before the assailants fled the area.

The Nazi JEWISH colonizers also stormed and ransacked at least Bahjat’s, causing extensive property damage, before assaulting him, causing various injuries. At least two other Palestinians were injured in the attack.
Video Republish from Maan News

The official warned of the seriously escalating attack against the Palestinians and their property and called on the locals to remain alert.

On Thursday at night, Nazi JEWISH colonizers attacked many Palestinian cars near Sielet ath-Thaher town, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, before Nazi soldiers invaded and searched homes and shops, and confiscated surveillance equipment.

In related news, Nazi soldiers imposed on Thursday at night, a tight siege on the Nablus governorate, in the northern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank, while Nazi JEWISH colonizers attacked many cars, including the convoy of Palestinian Agriculture Minister, near Nablus.

On Thursday at night, Nazi JEWISH colonizer, identified as Yehuda Dimantman, 20, was killed and two others were injured after Palestinians opened fire at his car, near the evacuated Homesh Nazi JEWISH colonialist outpost, built on Palestinian lands north of Nablus.

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