by Tom Valentine
Millions of productive and mostly rational Americans are depressed, and furious because the great “American dream” became a nightmare. This series has pointed out how it came about via diabolical conspiracies. We must remember the adage: Where there is life, there is hope.
I have tried vainly to influence propagandized and programmed Americans, to little avail; for example the following is a letter I submitted to our local newspaper on Aug. 16, 2009:
Editor, Daily News,
Apparently many Americans believe the propaganda that claims there never were any Palestinians living on the land now occupied by Israel. Sadly, naive Americans do not know the history. I beg to differ.
This big lie began at the end of World War I. The Balfour Declaration, used to establish modern Israel, was one of the most deceitful statements ever penned. Here is the third clause of that 67-word document: “…it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine…”
Non-Jewish communities indeed—In 1918 the British divided “Palestine” into 644,000 Arabs and 56,000 Jews. The vast majority of those 56,000 were newcomers from the Zionist movement.
The Ottoman rulers of the area for 400 years prior to 1917 did not in any way alter the traditional Arabic/Semitic culture of the people of Palestine. The small Jewish and Christian minorities lived in peace with the majority.
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir cemented the lie in 1969 with an awkward statement about Palestinians that ended: “They did not exist.”
If one lives in America, he’s American; if in Canada, he’s Canadian—so why are people traditionally from Palestine not Palestinians?
So-called Christian Zionists, ignoring history and twisting Bible verses have from the pulpits supported this historic lie to benefit the imbalanced support of Israel by American taxpayers.
To paraphrase Jesus in Matthew 23:15: Believe the liars and proselytizers and be twice-fold the child of hell as they are.