High Zionist numbers of Corona virus infections and deaths

Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


The Ministry of Health in the Nazi occupation, this evening, Thursday, that the number of people infected with Corona virus has risen to (14803) cases.

Among the injuries were 139 people with a difficult medical condition, of whom 109 were subject to artificial respiration, while 8,759 had a mild physical condition and 102 moderate injuries.

 While the number of deaths due to Corona virus in the occupation increased to (192) cases so far, while cases of complete recovery reached 5,611 cases.

 And 433 patients stay in hospitals inside the illegally occupied occupied Jerusalem and Jerusalem, as well as 6064 patients undergoing home treatment and 2565 cases receiving treatment in hotels.

Announcing the identity of the prisoner infected with the Coronavirus


The Palestinian Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority announced today, Friday, that he is a prisoner infected with Coronavirus inside the Nazi occupation Camp.

The lawyer for the organization, Jamil Saadeh, told “Quds Network” that the captive is Muhammad Majed Hassan, and he has been detained in the investigation of the metaphysics for days, indicating that the link officially informed them of his injury after an examination by the occupation of him.

His Excellency pointed out that the authority is currently making efforts to try to visit him in the detention center or allow him to be contacted to know the details of his injury and his health condition, pointing out that it may take several days to find out all the details of his injury.

In parallel, Al-Dameer Association announced that the prisoner Muhammad Majid is 21 years old, from the village of Deir Al-Sudan, who is in the Mesopotamia Investigation Center in Virus Covid 19 “Corona”.

She indicated that he was arrested on April 22, 2020, and a sample was taken on the first day of his detention, and it is reported that the prison was extended for 8 days in order to complete the investigation, and after it was confirmed that he was infected with the virus, he was transferred to the Ramla prison isolation.

And she continued: “In turn, Al-Dameer Foundation informed the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the Red Cross and the family of the detainee of its status, and Al-Dameer Foundation started taking all legal measures to release him.”

In the same context, his sister Tasnim Majed confirmed her brother, he had no symptoms and was present in the family and did not mix with anyone and did not leave the house during the month, adding: “We contacted the Ministry of Health, and the examination was done for the whole family and we are waiting for the result.”

Fifty days since the isolation of the two prisoners, Omar Kharwat and Hatim Al-Qawasmeh


The Nazi occupation Prisons Administration has continued to isolate two prisoners from the Fatah movement’s regulatory body in Raymond Nazi Camp, for more than fifty days.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club stated that the Prison Administration continues to isolate the two prisoners, Omar Kharwat, who has been sentenced to four years’ life imprisonment, and who has been detained since 2002, and who has been detained in the isolation of Megiddo Nazi Camp, Hatem Al-Qawasmeh, who has been sentenced to the same period and detained since 2003, and who is detained in isolating the Gilboa Nazi Camp, pointing Until the two prisoners from Hebron.

He pointed out that what increases the suffering of the isolated prisoners during this period and the spread of the epidemic, is the stop of visits by lawyers, which are for them the only way to communicate with the outside world, where the prison administration holds them in cells that are not suitable for human life, and places them in a double level of isolation. 

It is noteworthy that since the beginning of this year, the prison administration has escalated the isolation operations and targeted a number of prisoners in the regulatory bodies, and a number of them have been subjected to investigation.

It is noteworthy that the occupation authorities are holding about five thousand male and female prisoners in its prisons, among them 180 minor children and about 700 sick prisoners.

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