Minister’s Jokey Note Caught On Camera

SkyNews © Sky News 2010         

Ministers have been caught out passing flippant notes dismissing journalists as “second division” during a news conference about children’s services. Skip related content

Work and Pensions Secretary Yvette Cooper was snapped writing the remarks to Treasury Minister Liam Byrne while her husband, Schools Secretary Ed Balls, spoke to the assembled media.

“It’s clearly second division today, presumably that’s why we’re allowed to do this,” she wrote.
Mr Byrne replied: “Sort of like being allowed to play in the sand pit.”
The three Ministers held the event to promote their commitment to protecting children’s services but also attacked the Conservatives’ plans for a marriage tax break worth £3 a week.
Just four days into the General Election campaign, it seems energy-levels are already beginning to flag – reporters asked just three or four questions at the news conference and it finished early.
A party spokesman for Mr Balls made light of the event and joked about the Minister’s support of Norwich City football club.
“Ed would like to point out to Yvette, Liam and everyone else, as a fan of the team at the top of the third tier of English football, that there is nothing wrong with the second division,” he told the Daily Mail.

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