A recent article appearing in The Jewish Daily Forward dealing with Israeli border patrol policy offered a striking contrast to American border patrol policy. The Forward reports:
Illegal aliens are arrested and detained in Israel. They are not allowed to obtain jobs, receive state benefits, and are encouraged to return to their country of origin, or find another country to live in. In the past, African immigrants have even been sterilized by the Israeli government. In a nutshell, Israel protects its borders from illegal aliens. Security fences have been erected to keep illegals out, and Israeli military units regularly patrol the border, arresting and detaining any and all illegal aliens. Contrast Israeli border patrol policy with what is currently going on along the U.S.-Mexican border. U.S. Border Patrol agents, state and local law enforcement officials, and other immigration officials are not allowed to enforce American immigration laws, resulting in millions of illegal aliens flooding into the United States. These illegal invaders are even facilitated by the federal government in many cases, and are given state benefits and other care and services by private charities and churches. The U.S.-Mexican border is completely wide-open, and the invaders are being rewarded and coddled, rather than arrested and deported. The invasion of America by unskilled Third World immigrants has been going on for many years now. The elite political and financial interests controlling the U.S. government are openly trying to destroy traditional America and its ethnic makeup – and their efforts have been quite successful. Vice President Joe Biden recently declared that the U.S. needs a “constant, unrelenting” stream of immigrants in order to be economically competitive in the global economy, and organized ethnic lobbies – lead by the Jewish and Mestizo communities – are demanding amnesty for the millions of illegal invaders currently residing in the U.S.
Could it be any more obvious that America is under attack by hostile, alien forces?
America has already adopted and implemented Israeli policies relating to“Homeland Security” and the prosecution of the “Global War on Terror.“Perhaps it’s time we adopt Israeli border patrol policies as well, and arrest, detain, and eventually expel all of the illegal aliens who have and continue to invade our country?