Bahraini women and children are being raped and tortured by the pro-Zionist regime


Remember as you watch this–all we hear about is how the Syrian people are being ‘brutalized’ by Assad. Dittos with Egypt and Libya before the US and Israel got what they wanted and the leaders of these countries were driven from power. Bahrain is allied with the US, and this is the reason (right now) there is no screaming for ‘intervention’ in that country by the JMSM. You don’t see demonstrations in Israel calling for the Bahraini people to be ‘liberated’ by NATO the way we see it for Syria. You don’t Israeli teachers offering to do a ‘fly in’ to protest what is being done in Bahrain.

One thought on “Bahraini women and children are being raped and tortured by the pro-Zionist regime

  1. Elder Muamar Gaddafi Rejoicing with the Ankhcestors was correct, when he said that, referring to muslims, “we hate each other”. WHY would they DO THAT to there OWN People when other people are doing the same to them?? They should BEHAVE Like real mean and PROTECT their Women AND Children from ALL harm and danger. They seem to have forgotten that they came FROM the Woman. If they have NO regard for themselves, HOW do they expect ANYONE to have regard for them. All they have achieved thus far is the stereotype as being IGNORANT SAVAGES and have played into the hands of their Haters as being a Barbaric Peoples.

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