Zionist Regime of Bahrain: Shouting in the dark


The story of the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world.

Special programme

Bahrain: An island kingdom in the Arabian Gulf where the Shia Muslim majority

are ruled by a family from the Sunni minority. Where people fighting for demo-

cratic rights broke the barriers of fear, only to find themselves alone and crushed.

This is their story and Al Jazeera is their witness – the only TV journalists who

remained to follow their journey of hope to the carnage that followed.

This is the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West

and forgotten by the world.

Editor’s note: This documentary recently won the Foreign Press Association

Documentary of the Year award in London, the George Polk Award for Excellence

in Journalism and the Scripps Howard Jack R. Howard Award for Television Reporting.


Al Jazeera

One thought on “Zionist Regime of Bahrain: Shouting in the dark

  1. Thank you John for rememebering Bahrain , that has become Taboo in the western and Arabic Media . i was very surprised that AL Jazeera English dared to approach this topic , because AL Jazeera Arabic Never mentions Bahrain , yet they have been demonstrating and suffering for 13 months , and Mrs Clinton has not showed any compassion towards the People of Bahrain yet . usually she is quick at showing compassion in Syria , Iran , Sudan , etc..

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