Bahrain: Enforced disappearance of 15 citizens from 7 different areas continues

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BFHR: Enforced disappearance of 15 citizens from 7 different areas continues

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The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) said that 15 cases of continued enforced disappearance were monitored. Citizens were forcibly disappeared from seven Bahraini areas, which are Duraz, Al-Dair, Sitra, Bilad Al-Qadeem, Al-Naim, Samaheej and Jurdab. The BFHR stressed that the enforced disappearance is one of the many abuses practiced by the authorities, which have a record full of human rights violations.
In addition, the BFHR added that the security authorities deliberately develop new sorts of retaliatory actions against the prisoners of conscience in order to pressure them and their families, such as depriving the victims’ families of knowing the fate of their relatives, after being subjected to enforced disappearance.
The BFHR pointed out that from 12/14/2017 until 01/17/2018, i.e. for 34 days, five citizens have never been released and their fate remains unknown. These five forcibly disappeared are Ahmed Hamza Al Safi from Sitra, Ali Khalil Al Rami and Hassan Abdul Hussein Al Asfour from Duraz, Hussein Ali Muhanna from Bilad Al-Qadeem, and Mahmoud Abdullah Al Wazir from Al Dair.
Moreover, the BFHR mentioned that Ali Hussein Jassim from Duraz has been forcibly disappeared since 12/15/2017, while Bassem Ali Allawi from Al Naim since 12/17/2017, adding that Hussein Ali Mayouf from Samaheej and Mohammed Abdullah Mansur from Jurdab have been forcibly disappeared for 30 days.
The BFHR also pointed out that Hussein Ali Al Shaalan and Baqer Jafar Abu-Rowais from Duraz and Salman Abdul Hussein Al-Nakhla from Al Dair have been forcibly disappeared for 29 days.
The BFHR added that Ahmad Mohammed Salman from Jurdab has been forcibly disappeared for 27 days, Abdul Razzaq Ali Mirza from Al-Dair for 24 days, and Hussein Hamid Madan from Duraz since 12/31/2017, i.e. for 16 days.
Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR)
January 17, 2018

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