The interest of the average American citizen is in getting his own economy back, getting his community back, getting his constitution back, getting the old American republic back and disenfranchising and getting rid of the interests that are destroying this country as well as those who threaten to destroy the Iranian country.”
Mark Dankof, political commentator from San Antonio, Texas
Oil prices have shot up in the recent months in the wake of Iran’s decision to halt its crude sales to certain European countries in response to the European Union oil embargo on the Islamic Republic.
The rise in crude prices has slowed down the US recovery from its worst economic downturn in decades.
Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Dankof, political commentator from San Antonio, Texas, to further explore the issue.
The video offers the opinions of two additional guests: Kaveh Afrasiabi, author and political commentator from Boston, Massachusetts, and American philosopher and political commentator, James Fetzer.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Not to mention the fragile state of the global economic recovery, most notably Europe, suffering from the euro-zone crisis; is not this a major hit towards their recovery? I mean Europe just announced it is going into a second recession?
Dankof: Yes and it is amazing. We might ask ourselves the question is how long the Europeans and the European people are going to put up with us. I frankly think that it is you look at this whole situation that the most ominous aspect of it is the historical perspective that we might gain on what is happening here.
If we look at President Herbert Hoover’s book just released, by the way, –a writer on the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor– it is edited by historian George Nash and it is entitled ‘President Herbert Hoover on the History of the Second World War and its Aftermath’, there is a 50-page section of that book that talks about the inside story of what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Henry Stimson, his Secretary of War, and Mr. Roosevelt’s State Department were doing to virtually ensure that a war with Japan that was totally preventable would in fact occur.
And if one takes a look at what the United States, as revealed in President Hoover’s book, was doing under Franklin Roosevelt, especially from July 18, 1941 all the way through the September, it becomes clear that the Roosevelt administration was bent on having a war with Japan at virtually any price.
There was nothing that the Japanese could have agreed to and which in fact they did agree to that did not resolved in a new set of conditions on the part of the US. The same thing is now happening in this tragedy that is unfolding with Iran.
‘US war with Iran to please Israel’
The United States wants this war chiefly because Israel and Netanyahu want this war, the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ((P)GCC) states want this war and the International Central Bankers who love fiat banking and fractional reserve banking will profit by the debt that will be generated by this war on all sides.
This is a terrible situation. It is something that the American public should not support, that the European public should not support and that should generate absolute worldwide protest before it happens and yet the passivity of the American public on this up to now absolutely amazes me.
Press TV: Is there a chance that by this US-led sanction on Iranian oil, they want to stop or hinder the growth of for example these two economies [China and India]?
Dankof: I do not think there is any question about it and I think this had a great deal to do with the NATO intervention in Libya where in the eastern part of that country, you had oil fields and oil assets that had come to terms with communist China in terms of selling oil to them and engaging in long-term contracts with them.
The same thing holds true, I think, for Iran. When you look at the Chinese, when you look at the Indians for example –just to name those two in particular–, their situation with Iran in regard to business arrangements with the Iranian regime are designed to mutually benefit both.
The United States, it would seem to me, has an interest in undermining that or at least its multinational corporations, its Central Bankers and its Israeli lobby have an interest in undermining that.
And so in essence, what is happening here is that a nonexistent Iranian weaponized nuclear program is being heightened in terms of the American media, our own national intelligence estimates and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) opinion on this notwithstanding.
This is an order, I think, not simply to destroy arrangements in Iran might be making with countries like China and India as it regards oil but clearly the Israelis have a vested interest in continuing to destroy the hegemony of countries that are not singing Netanyahu’s tune every 5 minutes.
The other aspect of this is that the Iranians have made it very clear that at one point, they would like to begin doing business in terms of oil sales in something other than the American dollar. The whole threat that is posed by this to the status of the American dollar is the reserve currency in the world.
Also it has something to do, I think, with why these military preparations are underway. It is a very insidious situation and I think Dr. James Fetzer has stated it exactly correctly. It is a disgrace; it is an outrage; innocent people on both sides of this problem are going to perish and perish at the behest of the usual players: the international bankers, the Israeli lobby in the oil and natural gas consortiums and you can take that one to the bank.
Press TV: Mark Dankof, I do not know what the price of gas is at the pumps where you are at but obviously it has been increased. We tried to round up everything.
It seems like what these leaders are doing including the United States is that they are sacrificing their own people for their strategy against Iran and it is not Iran as they are portraying it to be the one that is threatening their livelihoods. Do you agree with that?
Dankof: Yes, I do and I think it is important to underscore what Dr. James Fetzer has been talking about here. Whether we are talking about the American government’s monolithic support for the Israeli regime; whether we are talking about the fact that American economic and political institutions are owned lock, stock and barrel by multinational corporate interests and by central bankers who could care less about the average American or whether we are looking at the domestic police state that Dr. James Fetzer has quite correctly underscored is being developed in this country as of the last 10 years or whether it is warrantless wiretapping or it is profiling legitimate and honest and peace loving American citizens like Dr. James Fetzer, Mark Dankof and Mark Glenn of theuglytruth, Michael Collins Piper, the American Free Press and others, or whether we are talking about a situation with a Posse Comitatus laws in this country are going to be eliminated so that the American military can begin to turn its guns on the American people itself and the enforcement of some of these outrageous policies, it is an absolutely draconian picture that is developing here and the great paradox is this.
More and more Americans need to understand that their enemies are not the Iranian government, their enemies are not the Iranian people, their enemies are not the other peace loving countries and peace loving peoples of the world who are sick of this new world order.
The interest of the average American citizen is in getting his own economy back, getting his community back, getting his constitution back, getting the old American republic back and disenfranchising and getting rid of the interests that are destroying this country as well as those who threaten to destroy the Iranian country.