Alarm sounds for Palestinian inmate’s health after over 100 days of hunger strike

Palestinian Hunger Strikes: Get the Facts | Addameer

Concerns are growing over the health condition of a Palestinian prisoner who has been on hunger strike for more than 100 days in protest against Israel’s so-called policy of administrative detention.

Hesham Abu Hawwash, 40, has entered day 111 of his hunger strike in protest at his indefinite, unfair and unexplained imprisonment at the hands of the Tel Aviv regime despite his deteriorating health condition, the Palestinian Information Center reported on Sunday.

The Palestinian prisoner is suffering from frequent loss of consciousness, severe potassium deficiency, heart and liver pain, and constant vomiting.

Hawwash is one of the four prisoners who have been on months-long hunger strikes against their illegal detention. The other prisoners were Kayed Fasfous, Ayyad al-Harimi, and Lo’ai al-Ashqar.

Last month, 34-year-old Fasfous and Harimi, 28, suspended their months-long strikes after Israeli authorities agreed to set them free.

Fasfous finally walked out of an Israeli jail and returned home to his family earlier in the day, after refusing to eat for 131 days in protest.

Facing widespread international criticism, the regime has also agreed to free several other Palestinians, who’ve been on lengthy strikes.

More strikers join in

Another Palestinian prisoner has reportedly remained on hunger strike for four consecutive days to demand Nazi Camp authorities to provide him with medical assistance.  

Moataz Abido, 41, from the Nazi occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil started his hunger strike on December 2 after Nazi’s Prison Service (IPS) denied him access to medical treatment, according to Muhjat al-Quds Foundation for Martyrs, Prisoners and the Wounded.

Abido suffers from paralysis in one of his legs after being wounded by Nazi gunfire and has asked the Nazi Camp authorities several times to provide him with necessary health care, but to no avail.

Instead, they have put him in solitary confinement after he started his hunger strike.

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