How Palestinians are heroes for living alongside Zionist backed thugs
The Left must not ignore Sri Lanka
Perhaps the scariest article you’ll read all year (robots will soon control us all)
Drones won’t be bringing freedom to anybody anytime soon
How Palestinians are heroes for living alongside Zionist backed thugsPosted: 21 Dec 2011Amira Hass on a people who one day will be seen as having suffered under the rule of a Zionist ruled dictatorship (funded and indulged by a global, Jewish Diaspora, including countless liberal Zionists, who remain silent or conflicted):
The Left must not ignore Sri LankaPosted: 21 Dec 2011It is an issue that receives far too little attention, despite the government in Colombo committing egregious human rights abuses for years. Mass murderers run the country. Emanuel Stoakes, a colleague, writes the following for New Statesman:
Perhaps the scariest article you’ll read all year (robots will soon control us all)Posted: 21 Dec 2011If this is the future of warfare and intelligence gathering, rest assured it won’t only be Washington doing it.Last month philosopher Patrick Lin delivered this briefing about the ethics of drones at an event hosted by In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture-capital arm (via the Atlantic):
Drones won’t be bringing freedom to anybody anytime soonPosted: 20 Dec 2011Many in the corporate press love to luxuriate over drones, those seemingly silent and deadly killers against America’s “enemies”.The reality is rather different, explains Nick Turse in TomDispatch: