Dorothy Online NewsLetter

NOVANEWS As war rages in Gaza, West Bank routine of violence and arrests unabated Arrests, expulsions, home demolitions, land seizure and settlers harassing Palestinians continues: Since the beginning of the fighting in the south on […]

Dorothy Online NewsLetter

NOVANEWS Dear Friends, The latest figures of casualties that I am aware of till now are over 1,300 Gazans killed and 53 IOF soldiers plus 3 civilians in Israel.  Bloody enough without continuing another minute, […]

Dorothy Online NewsLetter

NOVANEWS Dear Friends, Another 5 items below.  They begin with positive news (for a change)! Item 1 contains 2 reports on demands to label products that come from the Opt—one from England, the other from […]

Dorothy Online NewsLetter

NOVANEWS Dear dear Friends, I don’t know what happened to me yesterday—maybe mental and emotional exhaustion.  I can’t bear to read and hear about what is happening in Gaza.  But I have to to keep […]

Dorothy Online NewsLeter

NOVANEWS Dear friends and family, Instead of having some good news today, I have to say that things are getting worse in Gaza.  Resistance in the West Bank is growing–resistance to what is happening in […]