A. Loewenstein Online Newsletter


Top 25 stories corporate media (largely) ignored in 2011

Posted: 27 Nov 2011

Project Censored has released its annual list:

Censored 2012: Stories of 2010-2011

1. More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat
2. US Military Manipulates the Social Media

3. Obama Authorizes International Assassination Campaign
4. Global Food Crisis Expands

5. Private Prison Companies Fund Anti–Immigrant Legislation
6. Google Spying?
7. U.S. Army and Psychology’s Largest Experiment–Ever
8. The Fairytale of Clean and Safe Nuclear Power
9. Government Sponsored Technologies for Weather Modification
10. Censored # 10: Real Unemployment: One Out of Five in US
11.  Trafficking of Iraqi Women Rampant
12.  Pacific Garbage Dump—Did You Really Think Your Plastic Was Being Recycled?
13.  Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?
14.  Family Pressure on Young Girls for Genitalia Mutilation Continues in Kenya
15.  Big Polluters Freed from Environmental Oversight
16.  Sweatshops in China Are Making Your iPods While Workers Suffer
17.  Superbug Bacteria Spreading Worldwide
18.  Monsanto Tries to Benefit from Haiti’s Earthquake
19.  Oxfam Exposes How Aid Is Used for Political Purposes
20.  US Agencies Trying to Outlaw GMO Food Labelling
21.  Lyme Disease: An Emerging Epidemic
22.  Participatory Budgeting – A Method to Empower Local Citizens & Communities
23.  Worldwide Movement To Ban or Charge Fees For Plastic Bags
24.  South Dakota Takes Extreme Measures to Be the Top Anti–Abortion State  
25.  Extension of DU to Libya

What’s a senior Murdoch editor to do apart from slam Muslims?

Posted: 27 Nov 2011

Another week and another column by a Melbourne Herald Sun editor Alan Howe on just how dysfunctional is the Middle East, Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians, Islamists etc. The man has form.

Yes, this is what countless Zionist lobby trips to Israel do to a Murdoch man. Hatred Inc:

In Arab lands, like-minded, militant Islamists abound. Some are Sunni. Some are Shia. Some are just bonkers.

Democracy? It’s all Greek to them.

The wave of uprisings this year is being called the Arab Spring, a name derived from the so-called Prague Spring of 1968 in which Czechoslovakian leader Alexander Dubcek untied a few of the shackles of Moscow-enforced communism.

He was a man before his time. Within months the Warsaw pact nations invaded Czechoslovakia sending 200,000 troops and 2000 tanks to forcefully take control of the nation, Soviet boss Leonid Brezhnev installed a puppet leader and communism was quickly restored.

That back-to-the-future lesson is a powerful one for the Arab world.

At first blanch, the Arab uprisings of this year looked to be advances for people often trapped by clerics and tyrants who have used Islam to enslave, torture and kill their people so that they can live in opulent grandeur among some of the planet’s poorest populations.

Iran might appear to be the odd man out. For a start its people prefer to fashion themselves as Persians, but it has a significant Arab core. Its supreme leader seems to shun the indulgences that define the lifestyles of his neighbouring leaders, but he and his president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are still the two of the most dangerous men on earth.

Ahmadinejad is mad. Barking. And soon to be nuclear armed.

This year saw movements for freedom in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco, Iran, Syria, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia.

The tyrannical states that enjoy Western support – Bahrain and Saudi Arabia – have largely survived, although Egypt fell quickly. Those who alienated the West, or threatened it, or attacked it, are gone. By the hand of their own people.

If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there’d be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there’d be genocide.

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