Lieberman vows to stop release of Palestinian tax funds


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fervently opposes transferring tax revenues to Palestinian Authority, says money is used to fund housing for terrorists.

ed note–remember as you read this that Lieberman–by virtue of his being a good, devout Jew–believes that the land of Israel as mandated by God extends from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers, and that the ONLY PEOPLE entitled to dwell there (outside of a few necessary slaves) are the Jews. Therefore, when he talks about withholding funds from the Palestinians under the pretext that they are being used to ‘house terrorists’–He is not talking about Hamas, Palestinian Jihad or anything like that, but rather ALL NON-JEWS LIVING THERE–WOMEN AND CHILDREN INCLUDED.

If it is any lesson that we in the Gentile world should learn and apply when dealing with these people and any events–personal or geo-political–it is that Jews–by virtue of the poison that has been injected into their thinking by their religious leaders–operate on a completely different level than the rest of us, and on a level such as this, things have different meaning in their minds and in subsequent discourses.


Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Monday that he vehemently opposes any decision to release Palestinian tax funds that Israel has been withholding for more than a month.

“We will do everything possible to stop the release of the money,” Lieberman said during a meeting of his Yisrael Beiteinu faction.

Israel has been withholding $100 million in tax revenues from the Palestinians after UNESCO accepted them as a full member.

“I heard many childish claims that the money belongs to the Palestinians,” Lieberman said. “As though with their money they are allowed to murder or call for the murder of Jews.”

He said that the Palestinians use the money from the tax revenues to fund housing for terrorists.

“We will fervently oppose the money transfer,” he insisted. “We won’t quit the cabinet but we will do everything possible to stop the release of the money.”

Earlier Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was considering releasing the Palestinians’ tax money, after seeing that they had thus far refrained from pursuing any more unilateral recognition in international organizations.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as UN chief Ban Ki-moon, have called on Netanyahu to release the Palestinians’ tax money.

Ban Ki-moon noted that Israel is required to transfer the money to the Palestinians under the terms of the agreements between the two sides and added that tensions need to be eased so that peace negotiations can be resumed.

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