Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails Call for General Strike

The Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission released, on Sunday, a statement announcing that Palestinian political prisoners will be engaging in actions to show their objection to the failure of the Nazi Prison Service (NPS) to uphold the agreements made with the Prisoners’ representatives in September of 2021.

“In response to this, the Palestinian prisoner movement of all its spectra declared the state of general mobilization, including the dissolution of all partisan bodies starting tomorrow Monday.”
– Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission

Palestinian prisoners in the Nafha and Ramon prisons in southern 1948 occupied Palestine have locked down all sections of the prisons in rejection of the decision by the NPS to cut the leisure time of the prisoners by half, which has made it impossible for prisoners of different sections to meet, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said in a press statement.

Since the escape of the six Palestinian detainees from the Gilboa’ prison in September of 2021, the NPS has backtracked on its agreements reached with the prisoners’ representatives.

According to Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association there are 4600 Palestinian political prisoners held in Nazi Camps, including 500 administrative detainees held without charges or the possibility of trial.

The NPS has imposed punitive measures against Palestinian prisoners as reprisal for the escape of the six prisoners last year, the detainees have demanded that the NPS end arbitrary transfers, administrative detention, and solitary confinement, Quds News Network reported.

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