Zio-Nazi War Against Iran


Jewish War Against Iran

There is already a Jewish War of propaganda being waged against the Muslim country of Iran – and an accompanying Jewish orchestrated economical war, waged because the Iranian people and its leadership don’t bow for Zionism and openly supports the Freedom Fighters – the Resistance – in Palestine and Lebanon.

Thus the whole might of International Jewry is thrown against Iran, a campaign where Jews masquerading as “Europeans” (SarkozyKouchner) and a so-called “American” administration” (completely affiliated to the Jewish lobby, like Pres. Obama’s Dennis Ross and Rahm Emanuel), threaten Iran with boycott and war.

•  Most important articles/documents
War plans, Purim, Duke, Buchanan

  The Jewish influence in Iran
Jews in Iran and USA, spying, sending money to IDF

•  Iranian leaders on Palestine               The “holocaust”/Tehran summit 2006
    Khamenei, Khatami

 Most important articles
What the Zionist medias don´t want the Shah-supporters to know – even the Shah himself was critical of Jewish power!MOHAMMAD REZA SHAH PAHLAVI, Shah and ruler of Iran until the 1979 Islamic Revolution talked about the “American-Jewish lobby”, in a TV-interview (CBS 60 Minutes) made by the Jewish jounalist Mike Wallace:“They are pushing around too many people. […] They are strong. […] They are controlling many things. […] Newspapers. Medias. Banks. Finances.”Link to the clip, from Youtube (hopefully still active, otherwise you should search for it).

Israel never misses an opportunity to declare, and show on television, that its F-15I warplanes are intended to reach Iran in order to attack vital targets there.
— Ze’ev Schiff (Ha’aretz 09/28/1998) responding to media hypes over Iranian threats to Israel.

The Jews ruling Israel are completly a-moral masters of real-politik, so although Revolutionary Iran has always been on their hit list, in the 1980:s it suited Israel politically for a period to channel weapons to their arch enemy to keep the Muslim-to-Muslim conflict of the Iran-Iraq war going.

 Iran and Jewish/Israeli influence

In the 1950’s, after the CIA helped overthrow the Iranian government of Mossadegh and install in its place the puppet Shah government, Israel’s Mossad helped the CIA create and train the Iranian secret police: SAVAK. The SAVAK became known for its savagery and repression of the people who opposed the Shah’s rule and his diversion of the country’s resources (oil) to the west. According to their officials, the CIA left the “hard stuff” (e.g. torture methods), for the Israelis to teach the Iranians. In addition, in 1977 minister of defense Shimon Peres signed an agreement for Iranian cooperation with Israel’s ballistic nuclear program called Project Flower. Also, with the help of the Shah Israel transferred weapons and military expertise to the Kurds to undermine the Iraqi regime during the 1960s-70s. The value of Israel to the Shah was “the pervasive influence of the Jews in the U.S. and indeed the world over.” (See A Cockburn’s Dangerous Liaison, 1991 pp.102-105, and 107.) 

 Iranian leaders on the Palestine Question

 The “holocaust” and the Tehran summit 2006

Ahmadinejad and Chavez

For more on the so-called “holocaust” please see our Revisionist section.

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