It is the rulers of the Gulf- among others- that allowed Israel to exist and expand and flourish and – even if they helped the Palestinians financially- they stood as an impasse regarding any attempt at liberating Palestine .At the same time they subjugated their people by owning the country itself and the people, which is a kind of syndrome called the Gulf Syndrome and another kind of slavery or genocide and a different version of the one practiced on Palestinians.
During the first decade Israel fared well in the eyes of its masters, with the help of the Saudis who opposed any form of Arab unity as waged by leader Nasser. It could maintain the Arab world in a partitioned condition , it won all the wars and expanded . It is only during the last decades that it started faring poorly . It will be to no avail denying the fact that Israel is undergoing an existential crisis that was never witnessed before , it is the first time that Israel is trying to find an identity of its own . The question of who are we –as a nation- is being raised among Jews and Israelis inside and outside the occupied territories . For this, intellectuals have been mobilized and debates and studies organized and societies and movements created in order to decide the form of identity that Israel should assume .http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=325843984162129&set=a.382887555124438.92830.100002095913284&type=3&theater
Probably the USA is the first Israel and Israel was an Anglo Saxon dream that materialized centuries before Jewish people ever dreamt of a homeland .It materialized in the North Continent and many Israels were supposed to sprout here and there because it is a plan that was meant to spread . The advanced military base that the US created in Palestine under the name of Israel happened at the time when the area was witnessing great changes . The Arab Revolution through which Arabs sought to gain independence -as a nation -was manipulated by the colonialists the same way the Spring Revolutions were  manipulated . It led to the partition of the nation where the Gulf dynasties - allies of the colonialists- were installed in the Gulf .
 It is the rulers of the Gulf- among others- that allowed Israel to exist and expand and flourish and - even if they helped the Palestinians financially- they stood as an impasse regarding any attempt at liberating Palestine .At the same time they subjugated their people by owning the country itself and the people, which is a kind of syndrome called the Gulf Syndrome and another kind of slavery or genocide and a different version of the one practiced on Palestinians.
During the first decade Israel fared well in the eyes of its masters, with the help of the Saudis who opposed any form of Arab unity as waged by leader Nasser. It could maintain the Arab world in a partitioned condition , it won all the wars and expanded . It is only during the last decades that it started faring poorly . It will be to no avail denying the fact that Israel is undergoing an existential crisis that was never witnessed before , it is the first time that Israel is trying to find an identity of its own . The question of who are we –as a nation- is being raised among Jews and Israelis inside and outside the occupied territories . For this,  intellectuals have been mobilized and debates and studies organized and societies and movements created in order to decide the form of identity that Israel should  assume .
 Not only Professors like Finkelstein and Chomsky but also Israelis like Shlomo Sands and Ian Pappe and so many others are looking for an Israeli identity to come up with an answer to the question who are we and under what label should we  exist?  This crisis originates from the defeat of Israel in the two consecutive wars it launched on Lebanon which caused the dissatisfaction of USA.  Shameful defeat at the hand of a handful of committed young fighters with light weapons over the fifth army in strength world wide. If Israel derives its identity from being a military state and an advanced military base for the colonialist powers , then definitely this identity is being strongly shaken by this defeat at the hands of determined local people, and definitely Israel will have to look for another form of identity and a role that will secure its presence and existence as something other than a US and European military power. Now this is not easy, and recovering the old military prestige is no more possible. Israel’s own existence is therefore threatened not by Iran or Hizbullah, and definitely not by a possible Palestinian state,  but by the immanent danger of being forsaken by the country that sustains it and caters to it ie:  USA. If the presence of the strong Jewish Lobby was enough and if Israel’s existence depended on such lobby this identity crisis would not have occurred in the first place or- at least -would not have taken this dimension.
Now Let’s look at the Gulf countries’ or KSA achievements. Form the constant unhindered flow of oil to the historical fall of the USSR to the Arab fake Springs , we have a chain of victories over here that made the glory of the traditional alliance,  in addition to  the total subjugation of Gulf Arabs  and the desired partition of the nation, not to forget the protection of US and European interests. It is enough to mention the fall of the USSR that could have never happened without its spectacular defeat at the hands of the Islamist fighters of al Qa’ida who are the Arab Afghanis recruited by the CIA in Arab countries , and trained in US with Saudi financing to fight the atheist Soviets in a war that was final in bringing the end of what was called the Soviet Union.
The last but not least victories of this alliance happened not too long ago in Libya where the Islamist recruited fanatics –along with the NATO- overthrew Kaddhafi and handed the country to the NATO in a war where US and allies were spared the severe losses they suffered in Iraq or Afghanistan . Compared to the glorious achievements of this holy alliance that are not over yet,  but have spread to Lebanon and Syria ,the Israeli condition that is not able to recover from a limited military defeat,  seems indeed pitiable . The primary role is given now to the sectarian Islam and not to the Zionist Jew and US will have to change its heart and it will,  and the change that Turkey underwent- from a secular military State to a state dressed with Islamic garbs that will introduce it again to the Islamic and Arab world- tells a lot about what is being favored by the world order nowadays .
 I ?

Probably the USA is the first Israel and Israel was an Anglo Saxon dream that materialized centuries before Jewish people ever dreamt of a homeland .It materialized in the North Continent and many Israels were supposed to sprout here and there because it is a plan that was meant to spread . The advanced military base that the US created in Palestine under the name of Israel happened at the time when the area was witnessing great changes . The Arab Revolution through which Arabs sought to gain independence -as a nation -was manipulated by the colonialists the same way the Spring Revolutions were manipulated . It led to the partition of the nation where the Gulf dynasties – allies of the colonialists- were installed in the Gulf .
It is the rulers of the Gulf- among others- that allowed Israel to exist and expand and flourish and – even if they helped the Palestinians financially- they stood as an impasse regarding any attempt at liberating Palestine .At the same time they subjugated their people by owning the country itself and the people, which is a kind of syndrome called the Gulf Syndrome and another kind of slavery or genocide and a different version of the one practiced on Palestinians.
During the first decade Israel fared well in the eyes of its masters, with the help of the Saudis who opposed any form of Arab unity as waged by leader Nasser. It could maintain the Arab world in a partitioned condition , it won all the wars and expanded . It is only during the last decades that it started faring poorly . It will be to no avail denying the fact that Israel is undergoing an existential crisis that was never witnessed before , it is the first time that Israel is trying to find an identity of its own . The question of who are we –as a nation- is being raised among Jews and Israelis inside and outside the occupied territories . For this, intellectuals have been mobilized and debates and studies organized and societies and movements created in order to decide the form of identity that Israel should assume .
Not only Professors like Finkelstein and Chomsky but also Israelis like Shlomo Sands and Ian Pappe and so many others are looking for an Israeli identity to come up with an answer to the question who are we and under what label should we exist? This crisis originates from the defeat of Israel in the two consecutive wars it launched on Lebanon which caused the dissatisfaction of USA. Shameful defeat at the hand of a handful of committed young fighters with light weapons over the fifth army in strength world wide. If Israel derives its identity from being a military state and an advanced military base for the colonialist powers , then definitely this identity is being strongly shaken by this defeat at the hands of determined local people, and definitely Israel will have to look for another form of identity and a role that will secure its presence and existence as something other than a US and European military power.

Now this is not easy, and recovering the old military prestige is no more possible. Israel’s own existence is therefore threatened not by Iran or Hizbullah, and definitely not by a possible Palestinian state, but by the immanent danger of being forsaken by the country that sustains it and caters to it ie: USA. If the presence of the strong Jewish Lobby was enough and if Israel’s existence depended on such lobby this identity crisis would not have occurred in the first place or- at least -would not have taken this dimension.
Now Let’s look at the Gulf countries’ or KSA achievements. Form the constant unhindered flow of oil to the historical fall of the USSR to the Arab fake Springs , we have a chain of victories over here that made the glory of the traditional alliance, in addition to the total subjugation of Gulf Arabs and the desired partition of the nation, not to forget the protection of US and European interests. It is enough to mention the fall of the USSR that could have never happened without its spectacular defeat at the hands of the Islamist fighters of al Qa’ida who are the Arab Afghanis recruited by the CIA in Arab countries , and trained in US with Saudi financing to fight the atheist Soviets in a war that was final in bringing the end of what was called the Soviet Union.
The last but not least victories of this alliance happened not too long ago in Libya where the Islamist recruited fanatics –along with the NATO- overthrew Kaddhafi and handed the country to the NATO in a war where US and allies were spared the severe losses they suffered in Iraq or Afghanistan . Compared to the glorious achievements of this holy alliance that are not over yet, but have spread to Lebanon and Syria ,the Israeli condition that is not able to recover from a limited military defeat, seems indeed pitiable . The primary role is given now to the sectarian Islam and not to the Zionist Jew and US will have to change its heart and it will, and the change that Turkey underwent- from a secular military State to a state dressed with Islamic garbs that will introduce it again to the Islamic and Arab world- tells a lot about what is being favored by the world order nowadays .

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