By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Occupied RAMALLAH, West Bank: Zionist puppet Mahmoud Ab-A$$ and his Zionist master counterpart Reuven Rivlin telephoned him on Wednesday to congratulate him on the Jewish New Year, the official news agency reported.
According to the agency, the two Zionist’s expressed their hope to achieve peace between Palestinians and the Zionist as soon as possible and to exchange views on the latest developments in the Palestinian-Zionist relationship.
It was spread on social media pages, blessed with the Hebrew New Year by the leading Fatah Zionist puppet al-Madani and members of the Committee for Talking with Zionist Society.
The letter, written in Hebrew, wished the civil and members of the Committee a happy, blessed and prosperous year and progress to “Israeli society.” He also wished his message to overcome differences and work out of love, unity and tolerance.
“On the occasion of the Hebrew New Year, we wish you and your families a happy and blessed year, a year of peace and love, a year of prosperity and progress, to achieve our hopes and aspirations, to overcome all differences and to work together out of love, unity and tolerance. Happy year.”
The letter concluded with the signature of “Mohammed al-Madani and members of the committee to talk to Israeli society.”