Iranian DM Blasts US “Unwise” Reaction to Tehran Declaration

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi described as “unwise” the reactions shown by certain western countries, specially the US, to the Tehran Declaration on the swap of nuclear fuel.

“The reactions of certain countries, including the US, to the Tehran Declaration showed that these countries do not want to solve the problems and are, rather, seeking to advance their goals through their crisis-making attitudes,” Vahidi told reporters on Sunday.
Vahidi also underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran, by issuing Tehran Declaration, sought to introduce a way to those people who are seeking the realities, but the US statesmen showed an unwise reaction to the development.
Iranian, Turkish and Brazilian officials signed a ten-paragraphed agreement last Monday, known as the ‘Tehran Declaration’, to resolve a long-stalled nuclear fuel swap between Tehran and the West. The fuel swap for Tehran research reactor will take place nearly a month after receiving an official approval from the Vienna Group, comprising representatives from potential suppliers – France, Russia and the US – and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The Tehran Declaration is widely seen as a diplomatic initiative which would end the long-stalled nuclear deal between Tehran and potential western suppliers, but Washington has not yet shown a proper response to the epoch-making agreement.
Asked about the recent threats by Israel against Iran, General Vahidi reiterated that the Zionist regime is faced with a lack of legitimacy even among its own people and it is also worried about a military confrontation, so the officials of the regime resort to threats against others to solve their problems.
Earlier in April, Vahidi had dismissed the Zionist regime of Israel’s ability to wage a war on Iran and confront the country’s mighty military forces.
“Given the Zionist regime’s international isolation, the regime does not have the courage to attack Iran and cannot start a war with Iran’s military forces,” Vahidi told FNA at the time.
“Iran’s high military and spiritual power would be painful and deadly for them (Israelis),” the minister went on saying.
Reminding the Zionist regime’s internal and international problems, Vahidi said, “The Zionist regime imagined that it could get rid of international isolation and internal disputes but it failed (to do so), and the West Bank and Beit-ul-Moqaddas have today turned into the most vital problems of this regime.”
Vahidi stressed that a regime which is bogged down in these two problems cannot utter such big words out of its mouth.
He also warned that any possible Israeli attack on Iran will receive a crushing response by the Iranian forces far graver than the blow Israel received in the 33-day war against Lebanon.

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