Ø  Palestinians have suffered oppression, occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing at the hands of Zio=Nazi regime of ‘Israel’ for over 60 years.

Ø  The situation in Palestine has been described by many of those who fought against Apartheid in South Africa as even worse than what they had to endure.

Ø  Zio=Nazi’s is in breach of human rights and international law.

Ø  Zio=Nazi’s continues its ethnic cleansing of Palestine by maintaining and expanding the illegal settlements, building the illegal wall, evicting Palestinians from their own homes, denying them water, stopping freedom of movement, and through many other well documented racist practices.

Ø  Palestinian civil society since 2005 has asked us to boycott Nazi ‘Israel’ until ‘Israel’ complies with human rights and international law.

Ø  No visit to Nazi state of ‘Israel’ is apolitical – an important cog in the wheels of Zio=Nazi Mafia occupation, racism, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is to use international artists’ visits as de facto endorsements.

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