Didi Remez | April 12, 2010 at 11:17 | Tags: Joseph Biden | Categories: Diplomacy, Jewish Fundamentalism | URL: http://wp.me/pHlQV-t6
Moshe Feiglin heads “Manhighut Yehudit — The Jewish Leadership Movement” an extremist theocon group, which in recent years has established a strong presence in the Likud. Feiglin-endorsed candidates performed strongly in the 2008 Likud primaries and make up a large part of the party’s current Knesset caucus. Vice Premier and Strategic Affairs Ministers Moshe (Bugi) Yaalon famously used the podium at a Manhigut Yehudit conference to call Peace Now “a virus”.

Writing in Maariv’s online edition ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day warned Israelis that the current geopolitical environment was leading to a second Holocaust (full translation at bottom):
There are two historical lessons that we should remember well from the Holocaust period:
One is that the armies of Czechoslovakia and France, which were much stronger before the war than the German army, went down before it like dominoes, because their leaderships failed to understand the nature of the conflict and based itself on peace processes.

The second lesson, which pertains directly to us as Jews, is that before physical destruction there is spiritual destruction.  Before we are murdered, our dignity is murdered, and we are rendered illegitimate.  
Der Stuermer always precedes Auschwitz.  When you agree to be humiliated, you have not forestalled your end, you have brought it closer.  Jewish history is being written today in the State of Israel.  The desire to destroy the state is the same desire to destroy the Jews — to fight against the good.
When the state’s leadership lets Biden or Erdogan or any other diseased leper humiliate us, it sows the hope and uncontrollable desire of destroying us.  When Ahmadinejad started to talk about Israel’s destruction — it should have been clear that from Israel’s standpoint, he had lost his right to take a breath of air in this world. 
Since we did not eliminate him, he has been gaining strength, he and his ministers roam freely around the world, whereas Israel has become a pirate ship that has lost the legitimacy for its existence and its ministers are wanted for arrest in European capitals.  We have returned to the days of the “Jewish question,” we are no longer in 2010, we are in nineteen thirty-something.
Whoever warns against a preemptive strike in Iran and prefers to let the world do its work, is behaving just like the Jewish community leaders who sharply attacked anyone who tried to go against the current of the German annihilation machine.  It is clear that resistance had a heavy price.  But the price of appeasement and cooperation was a thousand times more terrible.
 Readers abroad who are amazed that the mainstream Israel media provides a platform for this kind of messaging should take a look at this ad, which ran on the front-page of the Jerusalem Post on April 7 2010.

Lessons of the Holocaust are still relevant in 2010
Op-ed, Moshe Feiglin, NRG [Maariv online], April 11 2010 [Hebrew original
I am very ashamed of the Holocaust.  How my people were taken, stripped, humiliated, tortured and led—before the eyes of the joyous Poles, Ukrainians, French and other offspring of Christian enlightenment, how newborn babies were impaled on pitchforks on the way to the death pits, how millions were led to the factories of death, and suffocated and burned, fertilizing with our people’s ashes the fields of Poland and Europe—and all with almost no resistance.
I am very proud of the Holocaust.  If the German Asmodeus, the essence of absolute evil in the sharpest and clearest manner ever revealed in history, if it sees me, the Jew, as its ultimate enemy, then that means that I am on the other end of the scale—in other words, there is something very good about my people.  If it represents absolute evil, then it is very afraid of the absolute good — God — that I represent.
There is no way to explain the Holocaust.  I know survivors who are not on speaking terms with God.  I know many who are the opposite.  I have no right to go there — nor do I have either the ability or the desire to do so. 
But irrespective of the theological questions surrounding the Holocaust, one clear thing occurred in its wake: Jewish history stopped being written in exile and started to be written in the Land of Israel.
Very soon, the Jewish people is going to become, for the first time since the First Temple period (!), a people the majority of which live in the Holy Land. 
This fact constitutes a spiritual critical mass.  Jewish law changes in several realms following the demographic fact that “most of its sons are on [the land].” 
The absolute number that we are talking about, the absolute number that we are approaching in the Land of Israel—is chilling.  Six million.
A lamb among 70 wolves may be devoured
In the days after Passover, I though to myself that we may have become enamored with the act of walking on dry land within the sea, with the water like a wall to the right and to the left of us.  I think Ephraim Kishon once wrote that with us, miracles are part of policy or something of the sort—I would be glad for someone to remind me of the exact wording.


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