Zio-Wahhabi Congratulates the Zionist regime

Armed goups in Syria collaborate with the Zionist entity 
Zio-Wahhabi groups operating in Syria revealed its collaboration with the scheme of the Zio-Nazi entity by sending a letter of congratulation to the occupation authorities, Zionist media reported Thursday.
In the letter published on the Zionist Maariv newspaper, the so-called ‘The Free People of Syria’ armed Zio-Wahhabi takfiri group unfolded its espionage for the Zionist regime.
“We congratulate the great state of Israel and its honorable people on the 67 anniversary of its independence,” the letter said.
Instead of wishing the Arabs to be united and Palestine to be liberated, the group wished to celebrate the anniversary of stealing and occupying Palestine inside the Zionist embassy in Syria.
“We hope that next year we will celebrate this great occasion in the embassy of Israel inside Damascus, after liberating it from the axis of evil that is ignited by Iran and its allies in the region,” the lette, signed by Zio-Wahhabi Moussa Ahmad al-Nabhan, chairman of the political bureau and foreign relations of the group, added.
Nabhan thanked the Zionist leadership for “its appreciated humanitarian position towards the Syrian revolution,” adding that the free Syrian people will not forget any country that stood by their side.
“This [Syrian] people were waiting for the opportunity to make special relations with the neighboring Israelis,” he added.
May 14 marks the declaration of Balfour Promise which stated that Britain, the then mandate force over Palestine, would grant the land of holy Palestine for free to the Zionist movement founded by the Jewish Theodor Herzl, to establish a national homeland for Jews.
On May 15, the establishment of the so-called ‘state of Israel’ was declared under the sponsorship of the United Kingdom.
Nabhan ended up his letter wishing for what he called “the state of Israel, its leadership, and its people the best wishes of health, happiness, prosperity, and success,” reiterating his hope to celebrate the “occasion” next year in the Zionist embassy in Damascus.

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