Zio-Nazi, US seek to provoke war against Syria

Interview with Mr. Ralph Schoenman.

Haaretz has confirmed that the green light was not just for this particular attack, but for a series of subsequent attacks as well.
… I think the indications are clear that this US-backed Israeli attack is the beginning of what threatens to become a greater war.”

An analyst says, the Israeli strike on Syria is one of several to come and is a preparation for war that is coordinated with the United States.

In the background of this the Syrian opposition has not achieved a hold over any provincial town and has suffered great losses from the defense of the Syrian army. Whilst chaos sweeps the country, analysts agree that Syria will prevail if conditions do not change. The armed opposition is weakening quickly and has asked for negotiation talks. Enter Israel with its illegal air strike, sanctioned by the US, on Syria soil to provoke a Syrian response against Israel that analysts say could then enable a no fly zone and NATO intervention to be forced, which most observers agree is the only hope for the Western aggressors. No response has been forthcoming from the Syria side.
Press TV has interviewed Mr. Ralph Schoenman, author of Hidden History of Zionism from Berkeley about this issue. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: This Israeli attack on Syria according to MOSSAD has been in coordination with US President Barak Obama. In general, just how does the US and Israel coordinate any operation in the Middle East region?
Schoenman: Haaretz has reported very specifically that the attack on Syria was not merely coordinated with the United States, but Obama gave the green light ahead of time.
And one has to bear in mind that the head of Israeli intelligence was in Washington for the entire time.
Moreover, Haaretz has confirmed that the green light was not just for this particular attack, but for a series of subsequent attacks as well.
NBC news has spelled this out. What they were after was attacking the Russian-made SA17 anti-aircraft missiles capable of hitting Israeli fighter bombers, helicopters and drones over Lebanon.

On Wednesday the Lebanese army reported that Israeli war planes had carried out sorties over Lebanese territory circling for hours.
This is a preparation for War:

On the eve of the air strike on Syria, Major General Amir Eshel, the chief of Israel’s air force declared that Israel was quote, “engaged in a war between wars” and they were creating conditions to be able to win the war as it happens. There is no question that this is a pre-planned assault not merely on Syria, but in preparation for one on Lebanon.
Press TV: How do you think Syria will respond?
Schoenman: I think that not merely Syria must respond, but the question of defense for Syria and Iran is at issue.

DEBKA, which is the Israeli military intelligence website with close ties to the Israeli intelligence service reported that the strike on Syria, quote, “touched off high military alerts across the region including on the part of the Russian fleet of 18 war ships in the eastern Mediterranean, the Lebanese and Jordanian armies and US forces at the Incurlik air base in Turkey as well as Special Operations troops deployed in Jordan.
I think the indications are clear that this US-backed Israeli attack is the beginning of what threatens to become a greater war including the one against Iran and one which will engage or involve the region in a bloodbath that endangers millions of people.

Reckless attack, aggressive preparation for war – that’s what these attacks are on Syria being prepared.

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