A hacker temporarily took over the website of Zio-Nazi deputy foreign minister, Danny Ayalon.

The hacking attempt came after Zio-Nazi Ayalon had spoken out over the weekend against ”cyber terrorism” after suspected Saudi HERO hackers released the details of thousands of Zionist credit card holders in three files over several days.

Zio-Nazi Ayalon’s website was down for about a half-hour. “They will not be able to stop my activities and work on behalf of Israel,” Ayalon said in a statement. “Certainly not in cyberspace, where we have had recent successes on YouTube and Facebook. Cyberspace appears to be the new battlefield, and our opponents will not be able to defeat us on this plane either.”

On Monday, Zionist hackers told Ynet that they are in possession of the details of thousands of credit cards used on Saudi shopping websites and will release them at “the right moment” in retaliation for the Saudi hackers’ attacks on Zionist citizens.

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