Obama to name Zionist to top White House slot


President Obama reportedly will name Zionist Jack Lew to be his chief of staff. Zionist Lew, an Orthodox Jew, will replace William Daley, the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday.

Zionist Lew is currently the director of the Office of Management and Budget, a Cabinet-level position and a post he also filled during the Clinton administration.

He was previously Obama’s deputy secretary of state.

Daley is leaving after just over a year on the job; he replaced Zionist Rahm Emanuel, who left the White House to run for Chicago’s mayor.

Zionist Lew, like Zionist Emanuel, has close Jewish community ties.

There had been speculation in the organized Jewish community about whether Obama would fill a top spot with someone close to the Jewish community after the departure last month of Zionist Dennis Ross, who had been Obama’s top Iran policy adviser.

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