Zio-Nazi army blocks aid delivery to West Bank residents

Zio-Nazi army blocked a convoy from delivering humanitarian aid to the Palestinian residents of Jordan Valley in northern West Bank, an aid worker said Saturday.

The convoy was carrying winter outfits, mattresses, food and toys for about 30 families whose makeshift shelters were destroyed by stormy weather recently, said the aid worker named Nedaa Yousif.
Zio-Nazi army gave no clear justification for preventing the 300-member convoy and the goods they were carrying from reaching the area, Yousif said.
The Jordan Valley territories make 26 percent of the West Bank and are largely under Zio-Nazi security and administrative control.
Nedaa Yousif organized a sit-in at an Zio-Nazi army checkpoint on the way to Jordan Valley, protesting the Nazi measures against the aid convoy.
Nour Oudeh, the Palestinian government’s spokesperson, described banning the delivery of the goods as “very dangerous measures.”

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