White House Defends First Lady’s Scandals in Saudi

Us media say First Lady Michelle Obama didn
Us media say First Lady Michelle Obama didn’t look too thrilled to visit Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, a country with virtually no women’s rights
The White House on Wednesday defended first lady Michelle Obama’s attire while in Saudi Arabia, ANADOLU agency reports.

The first lady met controversy on social media for foregoing a headscarf or veil while in the religiously conservative Saudi nation.

Saudi women are required to be covered in public, and most wear the niqab, a full-body covering that leaves only a small slit for eyes.

Saudi official say king Salman didn’t shakes hand with Michelle Obama but AFP photo show Saudi’s newly appointed King Salman shakes hands with US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at Erga Palace in Riyadh on January 27, 2015.

But the regulations do not apply to foreigners, and Obama did wear loose-fitting clothing that covered her arms and shoulders during her trip as part of a U.S. delegation.

White House spokesman Eric Schultz said that Obama’s choice in clothing falls in line with what previous first ladies and former American and foreign officials have worn in the kingdom.

He said that she “felt like she was warmly welcomed” by Saudi King Salman, and that they “had a very good discussion that included catching up on their families, and also a new school that the king had built to help 60,000 women get educated.”

King Salman US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hold a receiving line for delegation members at the Erga Palace in the capital Riyadh on January 27, 2015. Obama went to Saudi Arabia to shore up ties with new King Salman and offer condolences after the death of his predecessor Abdullah. AFP

Michelle Obama trip to Saudi Arabia to express condolence for passing away late king Abdullah and meeting new king was full of scandals.

First there was a claim that Saudi television had blurred the first lady’s image in its transmission of the Obamas’ condolence call on the kingdom. Then she insensitive in not wearing a headscarf and finally she shook hands with the new Saudi monarch, King Salman.

The president and Mrs Obama cut short their trip to India to pay their respects to the Saudi Arabian royal family on the death of King Abdullah, But the First Lady did not look happy during the brief trip to Riyadh to meet the new King Salman, Mail Online reports.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are banned from driving cars, among other restrictions. Many have criticized Mr Obama and former US presidents for not pushing the oil-rich Saudis on their women’s rights record


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