What’s wrong with violence?

by JB Campbell
"Cops think violence is fine as long as they're doing it. — JB Campbell
“Cops think violence is fine
as long as they’re doing it.
— JB Campbell
The question is: what’s wrong with violence?
The federal government thinks violence is fine. It just wants a total monopoly on its use. The federal government is a big version of the Israeli government.  It is easily offended when anyone or any weaker country objects to the official use of violence.  But now it’s time to do a lot more than object.
Cops, too, think violence is fine as long as they’re doing it.  As this writer has said many times, cops are licensed to use violence and to kill us. So the experts agree:  nothing wrong with violence.
The American Defense Party, however, says there’s everything wrong with government violence and the only way to deal with it is counter-violence by its intended victims.
It’s called self-defense.
To read this controversial new article, click HERE

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