Lebanon: What is the position of Dar Al-Fatwa on popular movements !!

The Mufti of the Republic of Lebanon, Sheikh Abdellatif Drayan, stressed that the country is at a dangerous juncture that requires redressing and dealing with it in all seriousness, responsibility and honesty because it affects Lebanon’s economic and financial system and threatens the lives, lives and dignities of citizens, which can no longer be ignored or tolerated and need to be addressed quickly.

He said in a statement: “People have suffered a lot and have been very patient on corruption. This entails a national collective responsibility on all corners of the state and those responsible for public affairs to remedy the dangers of this explosion.

Darian explained that Dar al-Fatwa has kept up with the popular uprising since its inception with much attention, understanding and sympathy. It highly appreciates the behavior characterized by national discipline in the streets and public squares of Beirut and in many other Lebanese cities, expresses its support and embraces the right social demands and nationalist slogans raised by citizens all over Lebanon. One is home yard. The demonstrators crossed sectarian and sectarian squares and united all in one national square.

He pointed out that from this position, Dar Al-Fatwa appeals to all officials to look positively at the demands of the Lebanese people, who are grieving under the burdens of deteriorating economic and financial conditions, and the resulting rise in the level of unemployment and a decline in income and social and health services. The Supreme Islamic Sharia Council in Dar Al-Fatwa had previously raised the voice loudly, warning of the serious repercussions of not addressing the living and living issues that are groaning under the harsh pressure of Lebanese families in all Lebanese regions. Regrettably, the divisions within the PA aborted all attempts to address, which led to their exacerbation.

He added that this deterioration was compounded by the deterioration of all the reform and development projects in the infrastructure of the Lebanese economy.

Dar al-Fatwa praised the whole national spirit that dominated the gatherings in cities, villages and in different squares, which once again emphasized the strength of national unity and coexistence, in contrast to the voices of cacophony that have risen in previous times distorting the national reality and abusing the national will.

In light of these facts, Darian stressed that Dar Al-Fatwa expresses the hope that the recent decisions of the Council of Ministers will be the beginning of the desired reform, and that it expresses the sincere intention to commit to these reforms and implement them in a way that secures the confidence of the people and find the proper, correct and reliable mechanisms that implement these decisions. Because there is a great decline in trust between the people and the state on the one hand and between the people and the political community on the other, and work hard to activate the role of constitutional institutions and stop wastage and eradicate corruption without taxing citizens.

He considered that the state should understand the causes of this popular uprising and deal with it with high responsibility and embrace the demands of the people, pay attention to its suffering and respect this historic and national solidarity stand that brought the Lebanese together and united among them, affirmed their keenness on national unity and gave a wonderful example in the national solidarity by overcoming the political and regional divisions. Some tried to exploit it to strike this popular uprising and abort it and divert it from its proper national course.

Dar al-Fatwa highly appreciates the Lebanese people’s stance and its national patriotism and embraces its demands. It appeals to the state and all actors in solidarity with these rightful demands and to strive to achieve them as soon as possible to get out of this serious crisis, and take all necessary steps to restore people’s confidence in their state and constitutional institutions. Or circumvent these demands or complacency in addressing them.

Appreciating the position of the Lebanese Armed Forces leadership, officers and individuals in preserving the safety and security of the demonstrators and in defending private and public property, Dar Al-Fatwa finds new emphasis on the unity of the people and the army in the face of threats in a national spirit.

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