Nazi forces arrest 13 Palestinians and confiscate 4 weapons

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

The Israeli occupation announced the arrest of 13 Palestinians and seized weapons during raids in different areas in the occupied West Bank, at dawn today.

Illegally Nazi occupied West Bank: Nazi occupation forces arrested 13 Palestinians on Thursday morning after storming their houses and searching them in various parts of the occupied West Bank.

A statement by the occupation army that it arrested 13 Palestinians from the West Bank, claiming that they “wanted” for their activities related to resistance and violent popular resistance against Nazi targets .

He pointed out that his forces confiscated 4 pieces of weapons and rifles of the type “Carlo”; during searches conducted by Palestinian homes in the West Bank. He noted that the detainees were transferred to the “investigation .”

Palestinian sources said that the Nazi occupation forces arrested at dawn today, three Palestinians from the city of Nablus and the village of Rogib east of the city (north of the West Bank), and a Palestinian from al-Amari camp south of Ramallah (central) and another from Qabatiya south of Jenin (north) .

In the context, 11 Palestinians were injured at dawn on Thursday, clashes broke out with the occupation forces during their storming of neighborhoods in the cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh (central occupied West Bank), and the demolition of the house of the family of Abu Hamid in the Amari refugee camp .

According to local sources, the Nazi occupation forces injured more than 11 citizens with rubber-coated metal bullets and suffocation due to inhalation of tear gas; during clashes broke out with the occupation army near Amari

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