West Bank: Nazi Army Detains Several Palestinians Including Former Prisoners

Nazi forces detained, on Tuesday at dawn, several Palestinian civilians, including former prisoners and a cancer patient from different areas of the Nazi occupied West Bank, the Jerusalem Press reported.

Nazi soldiers detained two young men, identified as Muhammad Iyad Rabay’a and Fakhri Iyad Sabarini from their families’ homes in Maythaloun town, south of Jenin city in the northern West Bank.

Northeast of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, in Silwad town, Nazi soldiers stormed the homes of four Palestinians, identified as Mahmoud Maher Thalji, Abdullah Talib Hamed, Abdul Rahman Hamid and Yahya Ahmed Hamed before detaining them.

Nazi soldiers detained four more from Kafr Ni’ma village, northwest of Ramallah, they were identified as Ahmed Zeidan, Aboud Abu Adi and Sameh Abdo. and Abdel Hakim Abu Adi.

In the Nazi occupied capital of Jerusalem, Nazi soldiers detained Muhammad Atallah Abu Eid from Biddu village, northwest of the city, and handed the former prisoner Muhammad Shamasneh from Qatana, a summons for interrogation by Israeli intelligence.

The Nazi army stormed the home of Sabri Musa Jibrin in Tuqu town, southeast of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank before detaining him, in addition to detaining Muhammed Jabr from the city of Beit Jala, northwest of Bethlehem

In the southern part of the West Bank, Nazi troops detained Muhammad Iyad al-Bo in addition to the former prisoner Mahmoud al-Haddad from Hebron, and another former prisoner, identified as Mu’in al-Zohour, from Beit Kahil, northwest of the city.

The Palestinian News & Information Agency reported that Nazi soldiers stormed Halhul town, north of Hebron in the southern West Bank and detained one Palestinian.

Nazi soldiers invaded and searched the home of another former prisoner in the Iskan Al Baladiyah neighborhood in the city and detained him.

Furthermore, the Nazi army stormed the Abu Kteileh neighborhood in Hebron, invaded and searched the home of former prisoner, and cancer patient, identified as Hijazi ‘Ali al-Jada‘ Qawasma, 37, before seizing his vehicle.

Monday evening, Nazi soldiers interrogated and detained a Palestinian merchant at the Beit Hanoun crossing in the northern besieged Gaza Strip.

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