West Bank: Nazi army Abduct Nine Palestinians  

Nazi soldiers abducted nine Palestinians, including former political prisoners, from their homes after the army invaded and violently searched many homes across the Nazi occupied West Bank.

In Yatta town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, the Nazi soldiers abducted Mohammad Jobrael Al-Amour, Mohammad Maher Abu Shaker, Tha’er Mahmoud Awadallah, and a former political prisoner Ziad Hasan Yousef Khalayla after invading their homes and searching them.

The Nazi soldiers also installed several roadblocks on Hebron city’s northern roads and the main entrance of Ath-Thaheriyya, Sa’ir, and Halhoul, stopped and searched dozens of cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In Tulkarem, in the northern West Bank, the Nazi soldiers stormed and searched several homes in Nur Shams refuge camp, east of the city, and abducted two former political prisoners, Mo’men Fathi Qar’awi, 27, and Mahfouth Nathmi Aisha, 42.

The Nazi soldiers interrogated many Palestinians while searching their homes in the refugee camp and fired gas bombs at Palestinians who protested the invasion.

The Nazi soldiers also invaded Azzoun town, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, leading to protests; some protesters hurled pipe bombs at the army vehicles while the Nazi soldiers fired many live rounds.

In Ramallah, in the central West Bank, the soldiers abducted a former political prisoner, Ahmad Mahmoud Zamra, after invading and searching his home in the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp north of the city.

In Nazi occupied Jerusalem, the Nazi soldiers invaded the Dahiat As-Salem area in Anata town, northeast of the city, and abducted two siblings, Saleh and Mohammad Khalil Hilwa.

In related news, Nazi court sentenced Nihaya Suwwan, a female political prisoner from Jabal Al-Mokabber in Jerusalem, to 44 months in prison.

Also, Dia’ Nababta, a political prisoner from Shu’fat refugee camp north of Jerusalem, who was abducted last Saturday, was slapped with a three-month Administrative Detention order without charges or trial.

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