We’re fighting for truth on multiple fronts

Posted by: John Phoenix

If Americans Knew
We’re fighting for truth on multiple fronts.  View in web browser
With your help, justice will prevail!Dear IAK Supporter, Since in the holiday rush many emails get missed, we’re sending this out once more so that as many of our supporters as possible see this message
– your support is crucial to our work!

(Thank you to the many of you who have already donated!!)We need your help so we can continue our unique work to give Americans the facts about Palestine and the U.S. connection! (Including the USS Liberty!)

Truthfully, I believe that my small, dedicated team has built more resources than most people could imagine!

Take a look: An entry level website for people new to the issue A news and analysis blog with original work and information aggregated from others A Timeline of deaths and injuries, complete with charts and videosIMEMC, daily news reports from the Occupied Territories A YouTube channel (and other video platforms) with our own creations and other valuable videos Materials: bookletsbrochurescardspostersbumper stickersDVDsbook that has sold over 46,000 copies Media analysesDONATE And please see our most recent detailed articles: “Israel escalates efforts to get US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq” (complete with videos) and Kathryn Shihadah’s must-read report “A chronicle of Israeli actions against Palestinians in 2021.”

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We are determined to bring peace and justice, and to do that, If Americans Knew is committed to giving all Americans compelling, fully cited facts – and to use every method possible!

Israel is hard at work perpetrating cruel, violent, oppressive actions against Palestinians, pressuring U.S. officials to attack others on its behalf, and perpetuating lies about its lethal assault on a U.S. Navy ship. It is incumbent on us to see that peace and justice prevail over such immorality. Together, we can shed light on the truth. Thank you for your past support and for anything you can contribute now!

Some If Americans Knew supporters have included us in their estate planning, which has been an enormous help. Others have transferred stock or cryptocurrency; still others give $10 a month. Everything is immensely appreciated! Best wishes and may your holidays be joyful,
– Alison

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