Webinar: How anti-Palestinianism went global — and how we can fight it

Posted by: John Phoenix

Palestine activism has faced an aggressive crackdown across Europe in recent months, particularly in Germany and the United Kingdom. This has included the censorship of Palestinian and Arab voices in German media for their views on Israel, the banning of protests in Berlin hoisting the Palestinian flag or keffiyeh, and draconian anti-Palestinian legislation dressed up as measures to combat antisemitism — all while Israel escalates its persecution of human rights groups in Palestine itself.

With governments and politicians across the world instrumentalizing a false concern for Jewish safety to suppress Palestine advocacy, there is a growing need to understand the transnational nature of these phenomena and how progressive forces should confront them.
Join +972 for a webinar with journalists and organizers to learn more about why this is happening in Germany and the U.K., how it affects the reality on the ground in Palestine-Israel, and how to ensure the struggle for Palestinian freedom and Jewish safety are mutually inclusive goals.

The webinar will take place on September 14th, at 8:00 p.m Jerusalem time (1:00 p.m. EST / 10 a.m. PT). Sign up here!I’ll be speaking with Palestinian-American journalist Hebh Jamal, based in Mannheim, Germany; Em Hilton, the U.K. director of Diaspora Alliance, who splits her time between Tel Aviv and London; and Salem Barahmeh, who serves as the executive director of the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy in Ramallah.

See you there!

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