War on ISIL exposes US disastrous leadership: Analyst Jim W. Dean, VT Editor
[ Update: The much heavier bombing around Kobani has turned the battle around. It appears the Kurds and US command got a GPS grid layout on the city to be able to call in the building where the attacking ISIL guys had set up fighting positions, and then a bomb or two would come to visit them.
Press TV had mis-identified an B1 bomber dark image photo as a fighter bomber. But the B1 has eight engines and can carry a bomb load that is just incredible, and it can stay aloft for a long time.
The plane gets a strike order, punches in the GPS coordinates for the selected bomb or two… and off they go. The Pentagon should have been using the B1 sooner, because we had them sitting on the Qatar airfield along with all the B-52s… Jim W. Dean ]
The US failure to fight the ISIL Takfiri group shows the West’s terrible leadership, a political commentator says.
For the YouTube video you will need to turn your volume up all the way. The conversion process is cutting the volume by half for some reason. But if you have any clarity issues just click here for the Press TV link.
Jim W. Dean, managing editor of Veterans Today, told Press TV that the failure to fight the militant group “humiliates” the US and exposes a “disastrous leadership” on the part of the West.
He strongly criticized the US-led coalition against the ISIL, saying each of the allied countries was “exploiting” the situation on behalf of “their “own national benefit.”
The analyst noted that Turkey has “done nothing” to confront the ISIL.
The commentator also expressed regrets that the US was “begging” the Ankara government to let the coalition forces use a Turkish military base for attacking the ISIL positions.
Washington and its allies were advancing the vicious agenda of using ISIL to gain a foothold in Syria and to bring down the legitimate government of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the analyst stated.
However, the removal of al-Assad has become an impossible task for the US allies as the Syrian public and army fully support the Damascus government, the expert concluded.
The remarks come as Kurds in Turkey are angry at the government for preventing them from crossing into neighboring Syria to join the fight against ISIL terrorists in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani.
Ankara also refuses to intervene along its border with Syria where ISIL militants have besieged the mainly Kurdish town.
According to reports, the Takfiri militants have taken half of the Syrian city.