The US and the UK are seeking to suppress the advance of ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Iraq out of fear that the group might pose a threat to Saudi Arabia, a political commentator tells Press TV.
“The point is they [the US and Britain] created this monster [the ISIL], and they now fear that this monster will now turn on Saudi Arabia in particular, and they are friends with Saudi Arabia and so they are now trying to control it,” Rodney Shakespeare said in an interview with Press TV.
He further said that Washington and London are not prepared to head straight to the source of support for the ISIL acts of terrorism in the region, which is Saudi Arabia.
The terror group in the first place has been created by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia “aided by their sidekicks in Turkey and [British] Prime Minister David Cameron,” Shakespeare noted, adding that the main purpose of the ISIL “is to smash up any Middle East state which exhibits any sort of opposition to the expansion of Israel.”
He also warned that “Zionism… has created something [ISIL] which looks like capable of overthrowing eventually Saudi Arabia and will probably end up attacking Israel.”
In a recent article published in The Sunday Telegraph, the British premier warned that if the ISIL Takfiri militants grow stronger, the group would project a threat to the UK and the rest of Europe.
However, Britain has openly supported the militancy in Syria to help topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad. According to reports, an estimated 500 Britons have traveled to Syria to fight along the foreign-backed militants there.
Some British militants are also believed to have crossed into Iraq, where violence escalated two months ago after militants from the ISIL took control of large swathes of the country.
Earlier this month, US President Barack Obama also authorized the use of airstrikes to prevent the advance of ISIL terrorists in Iraq and to protect US personnel and interests inside the country.
The decision came after Washington’s inaction regarding the massacres in Iraq and Syria. The US along with its Western and regional allies — especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and, Turkey — is reportedly supporting militants operating inside Syria.