US students walk out of speech by two Israeli soldiers

US Rutgers University students protesting Israeli war crimes in the Northeastern US state of New Jersey Mar. 2012.

Why didn’t you resist joining the army of the Zionist murderers?”

American university students addressing an Israeli soldier trying to justify Israeli war crimes


Several dozens of US university students have walked out of a speech by two Israeli soldiers who were trying to justify Israel’s siege on Gaza and its atrocities.

The walk-out took place in protest at what the students called the Zionist regime’s crimes against Palestinians as the Israeli soldiers attempted to defend Israel’s siege on Gaza at a recent speech in the Student Activities Center of Rutgers University in the northeastern US state of New Jersey.

The students all stood up in unison in a silent protest, putting red duct tapes on their mouths. They held up signs condemning Israeli war crimes and showed placards, on which names of Palestinian children killed by the Israeli regime in Gaza and the West Bank were written.

The child’s age was also given on each placard along with the word, “Silenced” written next to it in bold script.

Several students disrupted one of the Israeli soldiers as he addressed the students, shouting, “Why didn’t you resist joining the army of the Zionist murderers?”

After heckling the event, the students took to the streets chanting slogans against Israel and calling for the liberation of Palestine and an end to Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.

The protests come as relations between the United States and Israel have cost Washington dearly as many believe that the US all-out support for Tel Aviv has tarnished its image in the world.

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