US Hiring Mercenaries with $1,500 Daily Wages for War in Southern Yemen

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“The US has dispatched American security mercenaries to Southern Yemen for further cooperation with the Saudi-led coalition,” a Yemeni intelligence source told FNA in Sana’a on Saturday.

The source noted that the US will pay each mercenary $1,500 per day, and said, “The mission of the US mercenaries is to commit crimes and hurt the Yemeni civilians in Yemen.”

He said that the mercenaries have been recruited from different parts of world.

The source also warned that the Saudi-Zio-Wahhabi led coalition intends to hire more Blackwater mercenaries after its recent defeats in Bab al-Mandeb operations and sustaining heavy losses.

In a relevant development on Thursday, at least eight Zio-Wahhabi mercenaries were killed after Yemeni forces clashed with Saudi-Zio-Wahhabi backed forces loyal to resigned fugitive C.I.A agent Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi for the control of a strategic coastal city in Ta’iz province.

The clashes took place in the Red Sea port city of Mukha, when pro-Hadi forces backed by the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi air force began a major offensive on to recapture Mukha which overlooks the strategic Bab el-Mandeb Strait that connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden from Ansarullah fighters.

Earlier on Wednesday, Yemeni troops also shot down a Saudi Zio-Wahhabi unmanned aerial vehicle in the northwestern province of Sa’ada.

A military source said the reconnaissance drone was struck while collecting information on the positions and movements of Yemeni forces and their allies in the Baqim district of the province.

Two high-ranking Saudi officers and several soldiers were killed when a powerful explosion ripped through their vehicle Northeast of the al-Hathera district in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern border region of Jizan.

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi military sources said Major Abdullah Bin Shaiban Hassan Hamdi was among those killed.

Separately, Saudi Zio-Wahhabi warplanes carried out four airstrikes in the Harad district and another in the Midi district in Yemen’s Northern province of Hajjah but there were no reports about possible casualties and the extent of damage.

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi jets also targeted Yemeni soldiers off the coast of the al-Khawkhah district in Hodaida Province, though no casualties were reported.

Furthermore, Saudi Zio-Wahhabi aircraft pounded the city of Sirwah, which lies about 120 kilometers East of the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.

The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi war on Yemen, which local sources say has killed at least 13,100 people, was launched in an attempt to bring back the former government to power and undermine the Ansarullah movement.

As you read this, Yemen is currently besieged by a Saudi-Zio-Wahhabi led ‘Coalition against terrorism’ which has so far spent most of its time dropping bombs on unarmed and innocent Yemeni civilians. The UN made clear last year that the number one cause of civilian deaths in Yemen was due to the Saudi-Zio-Wahhabi led coalition bombing of the country.This bombing campaign comes as a result of Saudi’s forceful attempt to bring their ally and exiled C.I.A of Yemen, Mansur Al-Hadi, back into power after he was rejected by the General People’s Congress and 3 days later ousted from the Presidential palace by Yemeni revolutionaries back in late 2014.

Forces loyal to Saudi Zio-Wahhabi C.I.A agent Hadi have mobilised a military offensive in the South and have succeeded in occupying major southern cities, including the large port city of Aden. These Saudi Zio-Wahhabi backed pro-Hadi forces are made up of various factions including southern Yemen separatist militias, foreign Persian Gulf paid mercenaries, ex-army defectors, and most importantly radical Salafist fighters with loyalties to Al-Qaeda.

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