As tensions escalate in Ukraine, the world teeters on the brink of a precipice. One false move could plunge it into the abyss…

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev gave Ukraine a gift in 1954: Crimea, the strategically important peninsula (shown in pink here) on the northern shores of the Black Sea.
A long and rambling article appeared a few days ago in the online edition of the Daily Telegraph. It was a collage of interesting quotes and curious facts about the current situation in Ukraine. This helped to reinforce my pessimistic belief that man is essentially an irrational animal and that the world, bar one or two exceptions, is largely ruled by serial killers doubling  as politicians.
Indeed, many famous historical characters have managed to combine serial killing with a career in politics. To mention only a few: Nero, Caligula, Countess Bathory of Hungary, Ivan the Terrible, the Borgias, Lavrenti Beria.
This article is itself a collage of quotes and facts from the above-mentioned article, interspersed with my own comments.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Nato secretary general, has warned that Europe stands on the brink — thanks to Russian intervention in Ukraine. And John Kerry, American secretary of state, has accused Russia of an “incredible act of aggression”.
John McCain, American senator and senior Republican foreign policy spokesman, has spoken about how the US should respond to Putin’s moves.
In an interview with The Daily Beast, he says that Obama’s threats are “laughable” and that Hillary Clinton has totally misjudged Russia.
“Of course she got it wrong,” McCain says, who has seldom been known to get anything right himself.  “She believed that somehow there would be a reset with a guy who was a KGB colonel who always had ambitions to restore the Russian empire. That’s what this is all about.”
One can only wince when one reads such  poppycock.
Putin’s entirely justifiable move to come to the rescue of ethnic Russians in the Crimea who have been threatened and even killed in Kiev by neo-Nazi thugs — thugs whom McCain has himself actively supported and met with (see right) — is billed as a bid “to restore the Russian Empire.”
It doesn’t get any wackier than this.
Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, was asked what he thought of John Kerry condemning Russia’s “act of aggression” and Russia’s “nineteenth-century behavior.”
“No comment at the moment,” he replied laconically.

John Kerry has appeared on the Sunday morning political show “Face the Nation,” on CBS.  He said:  “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on a completely trumped up pretext.”
This from the representative of a country that invaded Iraq on a “trumped up pretext”, and, according to Willian Blum in his classic exposé “Killing Hope”,  has toppled 77 legitimate governments, beginning with the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953. The US moreover is a country that, according to Chomsky, has managed to murder roughly 55 million people since 1945.
“It’s an incredible act of aggression,” Kerry noted hypocritically, laying on the double standards thick.  “It is really a stunning, willful choice by President Putin to invade another country. Russia is in violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is in violation of its international obligations.”
Mr Kerry said that the G8 nations and some other countries were “prepared to go to the hilt to isolate Russia.” He threatened trade embargoes, visa bans, asset freezes. Yes, it seems that whenever America starts feeling the pinch and is worried about its huge deficits, it contrives to confiscate the dollar deposits of some other more economically successful country.
A good reason for countries such as China, Russia and Iran to keep their hard-earned savings out of US banks and far from the rapacious claws of Jewish banksters.

David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, recently wrote a thought-provoking piece on Ukraine and Putin’s calculations. “Putin’s reaction exceeded our worst expectations,” he huffed. “These next days in Ukraine are bound to be frightening.”
He also quotes former Russian politician Vladimir Ryzhkov who pointed out that  the situation was not only dangerous for Ukraine but for Russia itself: “This will be fatal for the regime and catastrophic for Russia. They have taken leave of their senses!”
Ukraine’s richest man, Rinat Akhmetov, worth $15 billion according to Forbes Magazine, has denounced Russia’s incursion into Ukraine. Russia’s “recourse to force from outside is unacceptable,” he raged.
This Ukrainian oligarch, who has close ties with Ukraine’s Jewish community and is known to be in cahoots  with organized crime — probably the Judeo-Russian mafia — has reason to hate and fear President Putin.
It was Putin, after all, who had brought the seven crooked Russian oligarchs to book, six of them Jewish; and it was also Putin who managed to claw back much of the plundered wealth that these financial predators had filched from the Soviet Union after its dissolution in 1991.
It is men such as this, steeped in corruption, who plot against Putin in occupied Ukraine and hope to make a killing if and when the country is handed over to the tender mercies of the Jew-controlled IMF.
“I call on all citizens to unite for a united and indivisible Ukraine,” Mr Akhmetov cooed unctuously. “We must keep cool heads and not succumb to provocations.”
Yes, Ukraine must at all costs remain united. If part of it is lost to Russia, the richer and stategically more important Crimean region, there’s so much less for oligarchs and Western predators to plunder, isn’t there?
It’s therefore in the interests of billionaire oligarchs like Akhmetov and corrupt politicians like Jewess Yulia Tymoshenko — with her crooked business dealings with Semyon Moglievich, head of the Jewish Russian mafia — that Ukraine’s richer region, the Crimea, should remain within full reach of its future expectant plunderers.
YULIA TYMOSHENKO Close links to the Jewish Russian mafia
Close links to the Jewish Russian mafia
It is to be noted that the glamorous Yulia, with her pretty face and sexy hairstyle, has long been the darling of the Western media. Having become Ukraine’s first Prime Minister in January 2005 and Ukraine’s third richest woman, according toForbes magazine, Yulia subsequently spent time behind bars on serious corruption charges. There are now plans afoot to make this former jailbird Prime Minister of Ukraine again.
To be sure, Julia’s close links to Semyon Moglievich, head of the Jewish Russian mafia, means that Ukraine could indirectly fall into the hands of the world’s most powerful criminal syndicate run by Jews — that is, if Yulia is thrust into power again.
Perhaps that’s just what the West wants.

Jewish author and self-confessed “Russia-wonk” Ben Judah says that Putin needs to ask himself four key questions as he embarks on a possible conflict in Ukraine.
We have space here only to give Question 1 — which gives us a good idea of Ben Judah’s mindset and Rambo style of writing: “What does Putin plan to tell Russians when their troops start coming home in bodybags?”
It’s now 8am in New York: America is waking up and digesting the news from the past 12 hours.
Here is a good US-focused round up of the events, from the LA Times.
In the days ahead, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the majority leader, said “Congress will be looking for ways to help bolster the Ukrainian government’s efforts to stabilize the economy, restore their sovereignty, and promote political reconciliation.”
Like Ben Judah, Eric Cantor is Jewish.
He is the man, passionately Zionist and Islamophobic, who managed to bring down General Petraeus (perceived as anti-Zionist) by gaining mysterious access to the good general’s  private emails. (See here)
Cantor’s story that he got hold of Petraeus’s private love letters to his mistress from a confidential source at the FBI is unconvincing. He probably received this information straight from Israeli intelligence, which, as we all know after Snowden’s revelations, has access — through its cosy and incestuous relationship with the NSA — to every email and telephone call made in America.
One can’t help wondering: how is it that, whenever you take a peep behind the curtains in the secret chamber, you always find a Jew skulking there in the shadows?

Everyone is hopping mad with Putin for springing to the defense of Russians in Ukraine whose lives have been threatened by neo-Nazi terrorists.
Lithuania has recalled its ambassador from Russia for “consultations”. Canada last night recalled its ambassador to Moscow. The Czech Republic this morning did the same in Prague.
Britain has not recalled its ambassador yet, but last night summoned the Russian ambassador in London to the Foreign Office, presumably to give him a good ticking off. Rail Britannia!
Russia’s upper house also demanded the recall of Russia’s ambassador to the US — something it has not yet done.
Last night Russian warships were spotted off the coast of Crimea, apparently in violation of Russia’s agreement with Ukraine over its Sebastapol base. Russia has controlled that base for 230 years. It is allowed to keep its Black Sea fleet there but it cannot do as it wishes.
Russian forces also took control of the Coast Guard offices in Balaklava — again apparently violating a previous agreement with Ukraine. So argue the Americans and the neo-Nazi terrorists in western Ukraine on the American payroll.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Nato secretary general, has convened a meeting of Nato. He has just issued  this angry statement:
“I have convened the North Atlantic Council today because of Russia’s military action in Ukraine and President Putin’s threats against this sovereign nation. What Russia is doing now in Ukraine violates the principles of the United Nations Charter. It threatens peace and security in Europe. Russia must stop its military activities and its threats!”
Oh, so Russia has flouted its agreement with Ukraine, has it?
These noodles conveniently forget that the agreement Russia made was made with a legitimate and democratically elected Ukrainian government. It was not made with a bunch of right-wing fanatics in black masks and jackboots who have just staged a coup d’état.
Sergei Bochenko, commander of a local militia in Savastopol is quoted in a Time Magazine article as saying: “There’s not a chance in hell we’re going to accept the rule of that fascist scum running around in Kiev with swastikas.”

Arseny Yatsenyuk, interim prime minister of Ukraine, has just said that Russia has declared war on his country. “This is the red alert, this is not just a threat, this is actually a declaration of war!” he fumed.
Acting unelected President Oleksander Turchinov chipped in: “Any attempt to attack military installations in Ukraine is direct military aggression against our country!  The Russian leadership will be held responsible!”
“We are on the brink of disaster!” wailed the unelected prime minister.
Hmm . . . so who initiated the disaster in the first place? Who began it all, hein? Who staged a coup d’état with the help of $5 billion taken out of the pockets of American taxpayers?

Here is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon talking on the telephone — with the NSA, Mossad, and Britain’s GCHQ presumably listening in? — saying he was “gravely concerned” by recent events that had compromised Ukrainian sovereignty.
“It is crucial to restore calm and proceed to an immediate de-escalation of the situation,” Ban said, calling on Putin to engage in direct dialogue with the authorities in Kiev. “Cool heads must prevail, he added tactlessly, implying that Putin was uncool.
From Ban’s condescending comments one can only conclude that Ban thinks he is in a position to lecture Putin on the niceties of calm behavior. Putin is the hothead, the guy who is going to nuke New York in 45 minutes, as Saddam Hussein was going to nuke London — according to the mendacious war criminal Tony Blair, still at large.
People who meddle in the affairs of sovereign countries, who stage coups d’états and destroy democratically elected governments, these are the cool heads. The good guys. Those who respond to their aggression, like Putin, are depicted as the dangerous lunatics.
The mindboggling hypocrisy beggars belief.

If a major conflict erupts between Russia and its Western aggressors over Ukraine, I for one will be backing Russia all the way. There’s no doubt in my mind that Russia holds the high moral ground. Backing Russia is therefore incumbent on all of us who value good above evil.
To talk of Russia “annexing” and “occupying” Crimea, as Western political pundits repeatedly do, fails to take into account two crucial facts: (a) that the Crimea once belonged to Russia and was gifted to Ukraine in 1954 by Nikita Khrushchev (see map above), and (b) that a significant majority in Crimea, most of them ethnic Russians, actually requested Putin’s intervention and begged him to come to their rescue.
As for the US and British complaint that Russia had “invaded” Ukraine, one can only roll one’s eyes in dismay at this fatuous accusation, given that it comes from the lips of the hypocritical invaders of Iraq and Afghanistan – failed invaders, one may add, who blew $3 trillion on each invasion and obtained nothing for their pains but ignominy and shame.
It is a mistake to believe that Russia will necessarily confine its military actions to the Crimean region, leaving the rest of Ukraine to slip into the hands of the US and Europe. Why would it be a mistake to think this? For the simple reason that vitally important gas pipelines that pass from Russia to Europe go right through Ukraine.
So make no mistake. The whole of Ukraine, not just Crimea, is Russia’s fief. The US and Europe have no business being in Ukraine at all, stirring up trouble and fomenting regime change. If these busybodies continue to meddle in Ukraine’s affairs, Russia would be fully justified in cutting off Europe’s gas supply.
American attorney and online political commentator Michael Snyder sums up the situation in Ukraine neatly:

 ”As an American, how would you feel if another nation funded and organized the violent overthrow of the democratically-elected Canadian government and replaced it with a government that was virulently anti-American?

By doing this to Ukraine, the United States and the EU are essentially sticking a pin in Russia’s eye.  Needless to say, Russia is extremely angry at this point and they are gearing up for war . . .”


Latest: Ukraine on the brink of disaster

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