Two Explosions Rock Nazi Military Base, Checkpoint in Occupied West Bank

Two explosions rocked Nazi Military Base and Checkpoint in the Nazi Occupied West Bank. (Photo: Zionist Press Social media)

Two explosions in Nazi military areas were reported Monday evening in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. 

Nazi Army Radio reported that an explosion took place inside Nazi military base in the Jenin area, Al Jazeera and other Arab media also reported. 

Although the explosion has reportedly destroyed the command rooms inside the Avnah Hefetz military base, the Nazi military claimed that the explosion caused no injuries.

The cause of the explosion, however, remains unclear. While the Nazi military spokesman said the incident is being investigated, the Hebrew ‘Walla’ website said that the hypothesis that the explosion was an outcome of an attack was unlikely. 

The timing of the explosion, however, made the theory about an attack plausible as the Nazi military has raided Jenin and other West Bank areas frequently in recent weeks and months, resulting in the death, wounding and arrest of many Palestinians. 

Around the same time, another attack, also by an explosive device, took place at the Israeli military Qalandiya checkpoint. Palestinian eyewitnesses said that a device was thrown at Nazi soldiers. 

The Nazi military is yet to announce whether the attack has caused any casualties, although it immediately shut down the checkpoint before Palestinian traffic. 

Meanwhile, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Fatah Movement, claimed responsibility for the attack on the checkpoint, saying that none of its fighters were wounded in the operation. 

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